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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Thank you for those who answered, helped with the post yesterday.. well this morning i very nerviously called my GP surgery and asked to speak to a nurse who dealt with diabetes, they asked would i like to come in and see her so i have an apt for tomorrow morning.

I bet I'll forget to ask things or wont be brave enough to fight my corner.. am going to write down what happened with GP and print of the NICE information.

if you have anything that i would need to ask please tell me, i am useless at getting information or complaining.. esp when its about your GP!!

Thanks in advance

hi spirit firstly good luck tomorrow hope it all goes well, im very much like yourself i have to be actaully told by my OH to speak up otherwise nothing will improve i hate having to cause a fuss but i suppose like people have said in heer if you dont talk you aint ever guna get the right help.. id just let her do the talking first then afterwards if you have written down what you want to ask i would ask away , im sure she will realise you have a load of questions naturally we all did when we was first diagnosed, maybe see if you get a meter for reading blood etc etc i got a diary off my nurse as well to keep my blood results , she may take bp check weight ask you about eating habits, diets that are best for you and all that kind of things ..

best wishes
stef x
Thank you for those who answered, helped with the post yesterday.. well this morning i very nerviously called my GP surgery and asked to speak to a nurse who dealt with diabetes, they asked would i like to come in and see her so i have an apt for tomorrow morning.

I bet I'll forget to ask things or wont be brave enough to fight my corner.. am going to write down what happened with GP and print of the NICE information.

if you have anything that i would need to ask please tell me, i am useless at getting information or complaining.. esp when its about your GP!!

Thanks in advance


Hi Julie, glad to hear you have an apt for tomorrow.
Write down all the questions you want answered.
I suspect you will be told to eat loads of starchy carbs though 😱 Just remember all things in moderation as far as carbs go.
Ask for an HbA1c test. this will give you a starting point so you know what you need to do regarding bringing it down to an acceptable level.
This test gives you your Average blood sugar over the past 90 days.
Ask for test strips
these are needed so you can find out what foods affect your blood sugars.
Ask also what a realistic weight loss per week/mth is.
Also ask about exercise.
Referals for eye checks/feet and a dietition.

I doubt the nurse will give you a meter, but go on line and ask meter companies if they will send you a free meter 🙂 They makes millions out of test strips. Tell the nurse which meter you have and ask for the strips.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Best wishes
Can't add an=ything to what Sue has said, so good luck with the appointment! Stick to your guns and get explanations of anything that didn't make sense the first time - could you take a friend along? Sometimes they can remember things you didn't.
Good luck with it - I took my notebook with me with lots of questions on it - like who are my care team? This is what I have been eating - am I on the right track? When can I expect appointments for my retinopathy scans and foot check? What else can I do to help myself?

Let us know how you get on.
Thanks guys.. i am worried now that i should wait for a month for the 2nd test, ill go and see the nurse and see what she says. Either way i will ask to see another GP. This one said that type 2 didnt monitor bloods if diet only as there was no need?

Does anyone want to come with me?? lol

I can't really add to the advice already given, just go armed with a list of all your questions and try not to be scared to ask more/challenge if something doesn't seem to make sense. Good luck with it all and do let us know how it goes.
Thanks guys.. i am worried now that i should wait for a month for the 2nd test, ill go and see the nurse and see what she says. Either way i will ask to see another GP. This one said that type 2 didnt monitor bloods if diet only as there was no need?

Does anyone want to come with me?? lol
We are with you in spirit :D

These test strips are available on the NHS and a lot cheaper then all others available in the UK ask for them.
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