Help to sort out length of extended delivery

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Having read various posts about porridge, I am now reviewing my insulin delivery for this.
I know that a lot of people on the forum avoid this but I like it too much to do that, so I feel that is worth me sorting this out if I can.

I have previously used an multiwave (instant for honey, extended for porridge) delivery but wonder whether I have got the length right. Even if you don't eat porridge, if anyone can have a look at these readings and advise I would be very grateful.

I used a standard delivery for bowl of porridge with 5g CHO for honey for this one

Time 7:42. 8:00. 9:00. 10:00. 11:00. 12:00
BG 4.9. Ate 7.4. 5.3. 7.6. 8.4
CHO. 45
Bolus. 2.8

Any ideas welcome
Blimey I'd be well chuffed if my daughter's BGs would stay that stable after breakfast!

The only reason we use multiwaves with porridge is because without fail she will go hypo within an hour or so if we don't.
I would suggest you need a slightly larger bolus in general, as after 4 hours you are not back to your pre meal value. (That's assuming your basals are correct for the morning.) But as after 2 hours you are back to pre meal levels then climb again, you maybe would want to add a bit of that as an extended bolus. So, for example, I would put my bolus up to 3, and put it as 2.5 instant, 0.5 over 45mins. And try the experiment again. (But I'm not a doctor, nothing I say is based on anything other than my own experiences, etc etc etc.)
It would help if we knew your insulin:Carb ratio here !!

You certainly need a larger bolus for it anyway as Annette has said, but whether it's enough at 3 for the total carbs for you, I haven't a clue.

I never have as much as 80% upfront - more like 60% and the rest over 90 mins. That is always for 'pizza effect' meals though since frankly I never eat any 'slow release' carb for the simple reason that of course I never, ever, could until I'd already been diabetic for well over 30 years and they invented MDI ! Porridge is simply disgusting as far as I'm concerned and I have absolutely no idea what one might be able eat at other meals which was slow release - I automatically discount it immediately since it's 'too hard' LOL
Thanks for the advice. I have checked basal rates recently so I am pretty sure of those, so it might be time to review my cho ratio as well as use of the multiwave. I have had porridge all my life and love it, and will certainly not let my late Diabetes diagnosis stop me eating it. So more trials and more testing. Well worth it with that creamy taste having soaked it over night (just like my dad did and I the same double pan still!!) and the added spoonful of honey just before serving. Mmmmmm.
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