Help! Sugar overload

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi, I am 2 yrs into diabetes journey, lost weight and in remission but help as I’m eating my weight in sugary rubbish…moved house end March an lot of stuff needed doing, but I can’t control this sugary fixation
Hi, I am 2 yrs into diabetes journey, lost weight and in remission but help as I’m eating my weight in sugary rubbish…moved house end March an lot of stuff needed doing, but I can’t control this sugary fixation
It would be a shame if you ruined all the hard work of getting your HbA1C into normal range by making some poor choices.
I am surprised that having cut all the stuff out that you don't find 'sweet' stuff tooo sweet.
@Martin62 posts weekly bakes of low carb cakes and biscuits from recipes on sugarfreelondoner website which might satisfy you craving without adding carbs and putting your good work in jeopardy.
Is it a form of comfort you are addressing ? You have moved house does this isolate you from your friends? Has it stopped you from doing and going to places that stopped you from thinking of food? Is the local shop too handy for sweet treats and yummy things?
It is your choice to eat but I know that is so easy to say when that gremlin I'll call him on your shoulder saying I fancy this and once you start like pringles pop you cannot stop.
However, I know how bad high sugar feels and how bad and disgusted one feels to have a high HbA1c and it's easy to ignore and keep on going.
I believe you want to change as that is why you have come here. Like me, you are not the first or last with this problem.
Sugar-free jelly with fruit and cream is really a sweet option you might want in the fridge to ride through this. Or as Leadinglights says sugarfree London does have great recipes.
Your blood may be wrong and maybe your DN might take a blood test to see if there is another reason.
Hope you soon feel back in control of the sugar fix. I think though it might be the move and you need to see how you can get a little settled. Only you will know your situation Good Luck.
Thank you leadinglights and nayshiftin for taking time to reply and I agree with all that you’ve said, it t to ties in with my thinking too. I will look at sugarfreelondoner and get some ideas. Thanks again
Thank you leadinglights and nayshiftin for taking time to reply and I agree with all that you’ve said, it t to ties in with my thinking too. I will look at sugarfreelondoner and get some ideas. Thanks again
Let us know how it goes.
Hi, I’m a LADA, when I was being treated as a type 2 I cut out all sugar, I’d always had a sweet tooth so that was hard but after a couple of months I never ever craved chocolate/ biscuits etc. when I started on insulin i reintroduced the sweet stuff and I went overboard, I would literally open my eyes and want chocolate. It’s like any other addiction, go without it for long enough and the craving goes away.
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