Help please.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good evening all I’m 45 and been T1 for 39 years just over the last month my whole world has fallen apart and I think I’m on the verge of a breakdown I don’t drink but not really eating drinking water I had my eye out in Jan 24 to cure the burst blood vessel just feel very vulnerable at the moment and have never done this kind of thing ,relationship broke up lost home no contact with son got arrested for drink driving however only drank 0.0 that day had two pints of Guinness the night before but during the breath test my sugars were in their high 20s and literally and blew 40 not touched a drop for 11 days and the police would not give me insulin or heart medication as I had a massive heart attack two years ago I know you may think idiot but my mental health over the last few years due to my diabetes is just not recognised sorry for the rant and thank you if you did read this I just can’t find the help I need.
Welcome to the forum, we have quite a lot of T1's here, I'll ping a few so they see this.
I'm sorry you've had such a crappy time. Have you spoken to your doctor about your mental health, or contacted any organisations such as MIND? you may find both of those helpful.
@everydayupsanddowns @Inka @rebrascora @SB2015
Welcome to the forum, we have quite a lot of T1's here, I'll ping a few so they see this.
I'm sorry you've had such a crappy time. Have you spoken to your doctor about your mental health, or contacted any organisations such as MIND? you may find both of those helpful.
@everydayupsanddowns @Inka @rebrascora @SB2015
Thanks for the reply I am on duloxatine just feel really low and that’s not my personality I’m not a fun sponge or a mood hoover just really need some help
I'm only prediabetic, so type 1 details aren't something I know about, but details may help other Type 1's when they answer.

It's ok to need help, we all do at some point in our lives, and it sure sounds like you've been through far too much lately. Reaching out isn't a weakness, never fall into the trap of thinking that. It's a part of fighting back to try pick yourself up again.
The main thing to do at the moment is to look after yourself, both physically and mentally. Do you have any friends or family in the area?
So sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been going through @Rainford79 , and how it has affected your mental health, and begun a negative spiral of events and experiences :(

Diabetes Distress, and Diabetes Burnout are increasingly recognised as significant mental health challenges for people living with diabetes. Elevated glucose levels also seem to have a direct and negative impact on mood and mental health.

Perhaps you could call the Diabetes UK helpline tomorrow. It’s open 9am-6pm Mon-Fri on 0345 123 2399. You can talk with the friendly and understanding advisers, who may be able to suggest resources and services you could be referred to?
So sorry to hear about the difficulties you have been going through @Rainford79 , and how it has affected your mental health, and begun a negative spiral of events and experiences :(

Diabetes Distress, and Diabetes Burnout are increasingly recognised as significant mental health challenges for people living with diabetes. Elevated glucose levels also seem to have a direct and negative impact on mood and mental health.

Perhaps you could call the Diabetes UK helpline tomorrow. It’s open 9am-6pm Mon-Fri on 0345 123 2399. You can talk with the friendly and understanding advisers, who may be able to suggest resources and services you could be referred to?
That is a really good idea thank you so much
I am so sorry to hear everything you have been through. I have to say, as an ex Police Officer, albeit many, many years ago I find it shocking that they did not call the Police Surgeon in to see you when your blood sugars were so high and you needed heart medication.

Everydayupsanddowns has given good advice about contacting Diabetes UK helpline as you must have some help. I sincerely hope you have some friends who can help you.

I am only pre-diabetic so absolutely no idea at all what you are going through with being Type I so my apologies that, in that respect, I cannot help you. I know there are many Type 1s on here though.

It is good that you have at least found the people here. Feel free to rant and ask anything you want to.

Have no idea about this but could sky high blood sugars affect a breathalyser? Does anyone know?
Welcome @Rainford79 and sorry to hear you’re struggling. I think that people without health conditions underestimate just how wearing and stressful they can be. Add extra things on top of that and it can be a real struggle to cope with.

Do keep in touch with your GP. As regards the Type 1, keep it simple. I find having the same breakfasts and lunches most days relieves the mental burden a bit. Just one less thing to think about.

My concern is that you say you think you’re on the verge of a breakdown. I really think you should get an urgent appointment with your GP tomorrow and tell them just that. You need some support and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in needing help.

MIND might be helpful too:

You don’t need to struggle alone. There are people who can help you. Don’t let everything overwhelm you. Look after yourself.
Welcome @Rainford79 and sorry to hear you’re struggling. I think that people without health conditions underestimate just how wearing and stressful they can be. Add extra things on top of that and it can be a real struggle to cope with.

Do keep in touch with your GP. As regards the Type 1, keep it simple. I find having the same breakfasts and lunches most days relieves the mental burden a bit. Just one less thing to think about.

My concern is that you say you think you’re on the verge of a breakdown. I really think you should get an urgent appointment with your GP tomorrow and tell them just that. You need some support and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in needing help.

MIND might be helpful too:

You don’t need to struggle alone. There are people who can help you. Don’t let everything overwhelm you. Look after yourself.
Thank you so much I do have an appointment for tomorrow
I am so sorry to hear everything you have been through. I have to say, as an ex Police Officer, albeit many, many years ago I find it shocking that they did not call the Police Surgeon in to see you when your blood sugars were so high and you needed heart medication.

Everydayupsanddowns has given good advice about contacting Diabetes UK helpline as you must have some help. I sincerely hope you have some friends who can help you.

I am only pre-diabetic so absolutely no idea at all what you are going through with being Type I so my apologies that, in that respect, I cannot help you. I know there are many Type 1s on here though.

It is good that you have at least found the people here. Feel free to rant and ask anything you want to.

Have no idea about this but could sky high blood sugars affect a breathalyser? Does anyone know?
Thank you so much for your concern
Welcome @Rainford79 and sorry to hear you’re struggling. I think that people without health conditions underestimate just how wearing and stressful they can be. Add extra things on top of that and it can be a real struggle to cope with.

Do keep in touch with your GP. As regards the Type 1, keep it simple. I find having the same breakfasts and lunches most days relieves the mental burden a bit. Just one less thing to think about.

My concern is that you say you think you’re on the verge of a breakdown. I really think you should get an urgent appointment with your GP tomorrow and tell them just that. You need some support and there’s nothing to be ashamed of in needing help.

MIND might be helpful too:

You don’t need to struggle alone. There are people who can help you. Don’t let everything overwhelm you. Look after yourself.
That is a lovely post Inka. I am very glad you have been able to make that suggestion. I didn't think of MIND. You are quite right about people without medical conditions. Apart from being pre-diabetic I have nothing else really as far as I know and I can only imagine what it must be like for people with multiple conditions. One of my late friends had loads wrong with him including Type 2 diabetes and, what I most admired about him was that you never heard him complain.

One of my female friends had a heart valve replacement in her late 20s and has been on lifelong Warfarin which can cause quite a few problems. She now has one or two other things too and I do feel for her.
That is a lovely post Inka. I am very glad you have been able to make that suggestion. I didn't think of MIND. You are quite right about people without medical conditions. Apart from being pre-diabetic I have nothing else really as far as I know and I can only imagine what it must be like for people with multiple conditions. One of my late friends had loads wrong with him including Type 2 diabetes and, what I most admired about him was that you never heard him complain.

One of my female friends had a heart valve replacement in her late 20s and has been on lifelong Warfarin which can cause quite a few problems. She now has one or two other things too and I do feel for her.
I had two stents and a balloon in my artyer I am on so much medication I'm a non smoker not obese I could just do with a good chat and hit the reset button thanks everyone
Sorry to hear of your troubles, you’re really dealing with a lot so good job on reaching out. I know at the moment I need to vent.
Can I ask how long you’ve been on duloxatine, some people are fine on it some are t and it can be a negative.
There’s good advice above the only thing I’d add is don’t put pressure on yourself and try to make small positive life changes as and when you can without guilt.
And vent as much as you want. I hope you start to feel better soon.
@Rainford79 just seen your post, glad others have replied.

How have you been the rest of the week? Hope did your appointment go?

We can all make the wrong decision when feeling this way, it is understandable. I am sorry you have had such a rotten time. We are here for you, you have spoken out which is the first step. As others have said, set small goals of self care, whatever that is for you, and don't beat yourself up, you are trying, thats what matters. The past is the past, and the future you can impact, or at least how you feel about it.

Take care.
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