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Relationship to Diabetes
We are away in France at the moment. I noticed a couple of days ago that my son's breath smelled funny. He has been drinking fruit juice so thought it was that. Then yesterday I realised that his breath smells like pear drops. He does urinate alot and drinks a lot. We thought this was due to sensory needs for autism. However since googling I am worried he has diabetes and in in ketosis. He seems well in himself though. Should I try and find a pharmacy to buy a test kit, not sure if we can find one open today as Sunday. 111 basically says go to hospital. But he isn't diagnosed with diabetes so not sure what they would do. We are back in the UK on Thursday so 4 days to go. Basically need to know if it is a medical emergency or not! Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
@760 If he has Type 1, yes it’s an emergency. The 4 signs are Tired, Toilet, Thirsty, Thinner. Try to find a pharmacy today and get a home glucose meter and/or ketone test strips (urine dipsticks).

The pear drops smell isn’t usually the first thing noticed. It’s most often the thirst and urinating along with sudden and drastic weight loss, but it’s important you rule out Type 1 today so get some equipment or a doctor appointment.
Go to a pharmacy and ask if they can do a finger prick - I’m not sure if French pharmacies offer that but they’re usually pretty amenable. If they can’t they will be best able to advise where to go. But yes get him checked before you come home. If only to set your mind at ease.

The symptoms of diabetes are the 4 Ts.

It can be hard to assess weight loss sometimes when you see them every day though and he may seem otherwise well. But your parental slider senses are tingling so get him checked.
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If you’re near/in a reasonably large town or a city, you should find a pharmacy open today. They usually operate on a rota system similar to the U.K. to make sure they cover the whole week.if you’re somewhere rural, go to the nearest large town.
Many thanks for your quick replies. He has put on weight if anything and seems very well in himself. Just really his breath and urination hasn't changed from the usual. He does usually drink a lot. Will try and find a pharmacy open today. They apparently should have one on call like in the UK. If need be I will take him to hospital, but he won't like that idea at all!
If you’re near/in a reasonably large town or a city, you should find a pharmacy open today. They usually operate on a rota system similar to the U.K. to make sure they cover the whole week.if you’re somewhere rural, go to the nearest large town.
We are near a big town so will set off now. Thank you.
It’s probably not Type 1 then, but it’s not something you can leave, so he really does need attention if only to rule it out. I hope he’s ok xx
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Hi. Yes with T1 DKA you might expect weight loss. Follow the guidance from other posts and in the meantime keep the carb intake down until you know more.
Fingers crossed you get the all clear from the pharmacy @760

Hope he is OK, and you are all able to enjoy the end of your holiday.
@760 How is your son now ? Did you manage to get some medical support?
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@760 How is your son now ? Did you manage to get some medical support?
Hiya all good thanks. Managed to find a monitor and his level was 97 which I presume is good. Thanks for your help.
Hiya all good thanks. Managed to find a monitor and his level was 97 which I presume is good. Thanks for your help.
I assume that is measuring in mg/dl as you are not in the UK at the moment, that converts to 5.4mmol/l which we use in the uk so that would be a normal reading but it will make a difference when that reading was done in relation to eating.
Did the pharmacy offer you any other advice.
Does he still have symptoms.
Hiya all good thanks. Managed to find a monitor and his level was 97 which I presume is good. Thanks for your help.

Excellent 🙂 Worry over, but you did absolutely the right thing checking🙂
Is he actually diagnosed as diabetic. That is a very low reading for having just eaten, people who are diagnosed as diabetic would be seeing that sort of level BEFORE eating and 8mmol/l 2 hours after eating and certainly more than that immediately after eating.
What meals is he having as when people eat a very low carbohydrate diet or Keto then they produce dietary ketones that is not the same as ketones produced when people have high blood glucose.
If that is the norm then I would advise getting some advice when you return home in the meantime keep an eye on things.

?? The OP was worried her child might have Type 1. She did absolutely the right thing checking his blood sugar - which was normal. There’s nothing wrong with a reading of 5.4 after a meal.
We are away in France at the moment. I noticed a couple of days ago that my son's breath smelled funny. He has been drinking fruit juice so thought it was that. Then yesterday I realised that his breath smells like pear drops. He does urinate alot and drinks a lot. We thought this was due to sensory needs for autism. However since googling I am worried he has diabetes and in in ketosis. He seems well in himself though. Should I try and find a pharmacy to buy a test kit, not sure if we can find one open today as Sunday. 111 basically says go to hospital. But he isn't diagnosed with diabetes so not sure what they would do. We are back in the UK on Thursday so 4 days to go. Basically need to know if it is a medical emergency or not! Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi I am really sorry this is happening to your son. Initially before my diagnosis, I was getting the symptoms you describe although I was well in myself. It was until I went for a urine test at GP that they picked up with the ketones. If you are able to get to a pharmacy, they should have urine testing strips. If not, get to GP when you can to get him checked out. Other symptoms to look out for are dry mouth, loss of appetite, nausea/sickness, diarrhoea and confusion. Hope this helps and you get the support you need.
Hi I am really sorry this is happening to your son. Initially I was getting the symptoms you describe although I was well in myself. It was until I went for a urine test at GP that they picked up with the ketones. If you are able to get to a pharmacy, they should have urine testing strips. If not, get to GP when you can to get him checked out. Other symptoms to look out for are dry mouth, loss of appetite and confusion. Hope this helps and you get the support you need.

@Humera.Turak She’s tested and luckily her son’s blood sugar is normal 🙂
Is he actually diagnosed as diabetic. That is a very low reading for having just eaten, people who are diagnosed as diabetic would be seeing that sort of level BEFORE eating and 8mmol/l 2 hours after eating and certainly more than that immediately after eating.
What meals is he having as when people eat a very low carbohydrate diet or Keto then they produce dietary ketones that is not the same as ketones produced when people have high blood glucose.
If that is the norm then I would advise getting some advice when you return home in the meantime keep an eye on things.
Sounds like you haven’t read the OPs post? The son isn’t diabetic, so that’s a completely normal blood sugar and nothing to be concerned about whatsoever.

I’m glad your sons reading was good @760 id suggest a GP when you get home if he still has symptoms that worry you though, or see a doctor on holiday if he starts to feel unwell just to get checked out properly.
It’s not low though @Leadinglights Young people without diabetes often get a reading like that. You saying “That is a very low reading for having just eaten, people who are diagnosed as diabetic would be seeing that sort of level BEFORE eating and 8mmol/l 2 hours after eating and certainly more than that immediately after eating.” was incorrect and might have caused unnecessary worry (and you didn’t notice that the child wasn’t diagnosed with diabetes anyway).
It’s not low though @Leadinglights Young people without diabetes often get a reading like that. You saying “That is a very low reading for having just eaten, people who are diagnosed as diabetic would be seeing that sort of level BEFORE eating and 8mmol/l 2 hours after eating and certainly more than that immediately after eating.” was incorrect and might have caused unnecessary worry (and you didn’t notice that the child wasn’t diagnosed with diabetes anyway).
I have deleted my posts so as not to confuse.
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