Help please, high temp and fairly new to pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok second time of trying to post, so will summarise have a high temp, New to pump 5+ weeks on fluids and ibuprofen and can still eat so don't think it's flu. I take 0.400 unit per hours at mo shall I put a tbr on overnight add 10% any and all advice welcome haven't felt this I'll since becoming diabetic and panicking ever so slightly thanks
What are your BSs running at? If I am over 10, I do a bolus to correct and then consider a TBR of an extra 10% but only for a couple of hours and then test. You may need to do a few tests in the night on a TBR. (For info - if I'm ill my TBR can run at anything up to 200% but this is a personal thing and you may not need anywhere near this amount).
It really depends on how high your sugars are now. Have you tested for ketones yet? Best thing is to ring NHS helpline if ketones present. If your sugars are a bit high for a couple of days but there are no ketones then it's not going to harm you to run a bit high for a while and ring your DSN when they're back in after Xmas.
Thanks RiRiI at the mo normally blood are between 6 and 9 still adjusting to pump. did a correction on the 13 and I've set a three 10% for 6 hours but may drop that too 4 and set alarm. Cannot cHeck ketones at the mo mo as not at my house at my mum's and wasn't meant to stay but thought dizzy spells were not good with driving. Glad I am on the right track thank you so much 🙂
No worries - I know how much I struggled with a pump to begin with and I still struggle when I'm ill and numbers go high. For me, I find that if I test regularly, and do small adjustments I keep things more under control. Also, remember to drink plenty of water if you can when your ill. Hope you are feeling better soon.
I had infection after infection last year and every time I had ketones present - what a pain. At least the TBR function on my pump helped but even my DSN was a bit alarmed when I told her I had to be on 200% (she hadn't had anybody go to this before!!). The only trouble with a TBR is you never know when your system is going to go the other way so regular tests is the only way.
Well lots of testing through the night, I think the tbr was a brilliant help although it did keep vibrating need to check settings on that lol feel rough but not as bad as yesterday so far blood are 7.6 so will keep an eye all day. Thanks for help Riri sorry for panicking think I was delirious from my temp 🙂

I would have thought that last night when I felt like you could fry an egg off of me that the 13 reading for me was high, well I've just beat that at a 19.1 nearly fell out of bed.....😱That was after a correction and tbr previously of 10%. So done another correction and tbr set at 20% and alarm for 2 hours...ho hum. But, this may be weird but at least I am starting to find out more of the finer capabilities of the pump, be it through illness which is rubbish would much rather through normal Basel testing 🙂
I would have thought that last night when I felt like you could fry an egg off of me that the 13 reading for me was high, well I've just beat that at a 19.1 nearly fell out of bed.....😱That was after a correction and tbr previously of 10%. So done another correction and tbr set at 20% and alarm for 2 hours...ho hum. But, this may be weird but at least I am starting to find out more of the finer capabilities of the pump, be it through illness which is rubbish would much rather through normal Basel testing 🙂

It sounds to me as if you need to be a bit braver perhaps try a 50% or 100% increase for a couple of hours.
If you look at the amount of insulin going in per hour on your basal then compare it with how much of a correction you would give on MDI when ill, that 100% increase over a couple of hours is very little.
Also consider your carb ratio as you are unwell. It normally follows that a rise in carb ratio follows a need to increase your basal.

Please make sure you have plenty of quick acting glucose handy just incase it's needed.
Hope you are soon feeling better.
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