Help please :( First time using medtronic g4 sensor with 780 pump

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all......well I'm ready to throw my pump and sensors out of the window, yesterday i have been given the new sensors so i can use the smart guard feature........I must admit I've always used Dexcom or libre before and this Medtronic sensor is not great so far. So far after 12 hours the reading are completely off. I've been stable at around 10.3 all morning. This sensor has had me all over the place. It currently says 6.2 and dropping......I've rung the help line and they aren't much help. I'm concerned that this is what the smart guard features uses and is completely I just having very bad luck with my first sensor? Does it tend to do this in the first 24 hours? I've calibrated and still rubbish :( How am I meant to trust this technology? Andrea

So sorry to hear you are struggling with your new sensor. Has it settled down yet or have you had some more support from your team or Medtronic?
I have no experience of pumping myself but will tag @SB2015 who is using Smartguard with her Medtronic 780 pump. Hopefully she will have some insight to offer. Presumably you are checking the sensor against finger pricks?
Hi all......well I'm ready to throw my pump and sensors out of the window, yesterday i have been given the new sensors so i can use the smart guard feature........I must admit I've always used Dexcom or libre before and this Medtronic sensor is not great so far. So far after 12 hours the reading are completely off. I've been stable at around 10.3 all morning. This sensor has had me all over the place. It currently says 6.2 and dropping......I've rung the help line and they aren't much help. I'm concerned that this is what the smart guard features uses and is completely I just having very bad luck with my first sensor? Does it tend to do this in the first 24 hours? I've calibrated and still rubbish :( How am I meant to trust this technology? Andrea
I was also so near throwing my pump and sensors out the window in the first week. Don’t.

Smartguard bases it’s decision on the past 72 hours of data. Did you run in manual mode for a few days before switching over to the smartguard? we were advised to do that for a week, whilst we got used to the pump, which was new to me, and to allow the algorithm to get to know us.

If your sensor is saying that you are 6.2 and dropping that is the pump automatically bringing you down to your target which I am guessing you have set at 5.5. The pump will then level you out at that reading. It is really difficult to hand over to the pump and it certainly took me some time to get used to letting it get on with it between meals. I still have to put in the carbs for meals but if I get it a bit out the pump sorts it out afterwards and gets me back in target.

I have had some faulty sensors, and they have always been replaced. I have also had excellent support from the pump careline. There is definitely better support during working hours, so I would ring them on Monday. They were so patient with me, as I took a long while to get used to everything.

Any questions fire away.
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