Help Panic Attacks

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone suffer from panic attacks? I had a really bad one yesterday. I got myself into a terrible state. Shaking, sweating,felt like my throat was closing up. It took several hours to subside. The thing that started it off was 2 letters from local hospital for me to go for mri scan, camera down throat and the last one which involves an explosive laxative. I just can't do the last test. I was really ill after I had one years ago. Am I within my rights to cancel the last test until I see doc in clinic to discuss things. I will be cancelling first thing in the morning.
I hope you are feeling better. There are few people on the boards who have had panic attacks, so hopefully some one will be along soon and help.

As you are worried about the scan and the test, it is better to see your doctor, or contact the departments concerned. With luck someone will be able to explain what is going on and put your mind at rest. As the explosive laxative test made you ill before, you need to talk it over with someone.

I hope you get everything sorted. Let us know how you get on.
Hi, very sorry to hear of your distress at the thought of these tests. I've had the odd panic attack, and they can really shake you up - partly from the physical consequences of all the adrenalin that floods your body. I think it would certainly be a good idea to discuss these tests with someone. Hopefully, they will be able to ease your concerns or perhaps issue you with something to calm your nerves beforehand. Your previous experiences with the laxative test should be taken into account and it may be possible to make changes to lessen the effect.

Anything like this can be very frightening, so it's perfectly normal to feel like this, but you need to consider that the tests are for a reason and you will feel better once they are out of the way. I hope you can get some good, reassuring advice from your doctor.
just postponed the test and say why maybe if you cancell it it wont be offer to you again and is not very wise if you really need to do it
I really feel for you, panic attacks are so horrible. I had a stroke 7 weeks ago and have had a lot of trouble with panic attacks. Something that helped me was a CD of positive thinking/relaxing music. I know it sounds stupid but it did help. I don't know all of your story but I'm sorry you have to go through these tests, they don't sound nice. I did have an MRI a few weeks ago and it was less traumatic than I expected. All the best, thinking of you Karen.x
Hi spiritfree,

Big hugs to you!

As previously advised, I would suggest talking to your doctor about your concerns about the tests. He will be able to put your mind at rest and/or suggest alternatives.

Regarding the panic attacks - I had a lot of trouble with these a while back. My best advice would be to find a quiet place away from people to try and calm down (I found someone sitting with me made matters worse). The brown paper bag trick does actually help - it's easy to have one folded up in your pocket if you have regular panic attacks. Try to take deep breaths, and just focus on what is happening right now, i.e. breathing, rather than whatever it is that's upsetting you. Lastly, I'd recommend Rescue Remedy. You can get it in spray or dropper form - a couple of drops under your tongue helps. It's completely herbal so shouldn't mess around with any medications. You can get it in most pharmacies.

Hope you feel better soon. Treat yourself to an evening of a hot bath, DVD and cup of tea.
I've been having them for a couple of years now, but there's a couple of techniques I've been taught that really help me. One is to focus your gaze on something, such as a window, a lit candle or a picture*, even a blank wall, and concentrate on it to the exclusion of everything else. As you do so, try to consciously slow your breathing, listen to yourself as you breathe in and out as slowly as you can. You will no doubt be very aware of your heartbeat racing, but as you continue the breathing exercise it will start to slow down. Keep looking at the picture or whatever it is, keep breathing slowly and bit by bit, everything will come back under control. It takes time depending how bad the panic attack is but it does work.

* If there's nothing to look at, you can close your eyes instead, but you'll need somewhere to sit safely if you do. The object is to shut out everything around you while you concentrate on the breathing.

You can do that one anywhere, but the other exercise needs space to lie down flat. You lie down with your arms at your sides and, as slowly as you can, tense up your muscles starting at your feet and working up to your head. Hold that tension for a count of 10 then slowly relax from your head to your feet. Repeat as often as you need to. I often do this one before bed.

If you have concerns about any treatment you're well within your rights to discuss it with someone before going ahead. Is there some urgency to it that they need to do it so quickly?
I have recently had to undergo an endoscopy and colonoscopy, not sure if these are the tests you are referring to but if so please feel free to PM me if you wish. Neither test is pleasant in any sense but it was my second colonoscopy and the 1st one 2 years ago didn't go well at all so I explained my fears to the team and it was a much better experience than the first time around.

I would talk to your gp first as he/she may be able to help you get your head around what needs to be done and make it easier for you.
panic attacks

Thank you all so much for your replies. It means such a lot to have people who care and understand what it's like to have these aweful attacks. I saw my gp this morning and told her that I had cancelled the barium x-ray. She was really great about it and said she supports me with my descision. She also gave me some tablets to take if I get such a bad attack again. I have the gastrophy, camera and biopsy, down throat, next tuesday. I am having sedation for this so I should be ok. Thank you all so much for being so supportive.
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