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Help needed


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I have had high sugars since I had long covid about 18 months ago. As a result of long covid I developed asthma and I also have another chronic condition which means i am often in lots of pain. Before my long covid I was able to keep blood sugars down within the 50 range using two slow release metformin. I have since been 69, 86, 93 and now am 105. I am struggling due to different medications, not being able to be as mobile and exercise also not been as rigid with my diet. I am now terrified as 105 HBAC1 and have lost of feeling in hands, toes etc and some horrible pains in my arm and feet. The consulant said i am at very high risk of stroke or a heaet attack as well as losing use of hands/feet. This has really scared me and the last two weeks I have drastically reduced sugar intake but its been a minefield to understand hidden sugars in foods. Life is absolutely miserable but I cannot risk the possible outcomes. Does anyone have any advice to help me navigate through this?
The consultant has increased my inusulin, I take Ozempic and maximum metformin dose.
Sorry to hear about your pain @Natalie Woods That must be very wearing. You mention sugars - just to be sure, you are watching all carbs not just sugar, aren’t you? That is, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc?

Which insulin do you take (full name inc any numbers or letters after)?
Sorry to hear about your pain @Natalie Woods That must be very wearing. You mention sugars - just to be sure, you are watching all carbs not just sugar, aren’t you? That is, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc?

Which insulin do you take (full name inc any numbers or letters after)?
Yes I am watching all carbs including bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etc. I take Humalog and Abalasgar
Yes I am watching all carbs including bread, pasta, rice, potatoes etc. I take Humalog and Abalasgar

Have you identified times when your blood sugar is high, eg during the night, after breakfast or whatever? Or is it that you’re running too high most of the time?

And do you adjust your Humalog for the carbs you’re about to eat?
That's the issue as there are so many hidden sugars in foods.

As long as you know the carbs and are avoiding obviously high sugar foods, that doesn’t matter too much. A tiny bit of hidden sugar isn’t the end of the world if your overall diet is good.
That's the issue as there are so many hidden sugars in foods.
Can you explain what you mean by hidden sugars?

Most of us here look at the nutritional information panel on food packaging which tells you how many total carbs there are in 100g of that food and usually how many grams of carbs there are in a portion of that food and how big a portion is. Underneath the carbs will be a line which reads of which sugars, but for insulin use you need to know the total carbs not the sugars, although obviously it is best to avoid high sugar foods.

Do you count the carbs in your food and adjust your Humalog dose to what you are eating or do you just inject fixed doses and what are those fixed doses? Have you been advised roughly how many carbs to aim for per meal, if you are on fixed doses?
I have had high sugars since I had long covid about 18 months ago. As a result of long covid I developed asthma and I also have another chronic condition which means i am often in lots of pain. Before my long covid I was able to keep blood sugars down within the 50 range using two slow release metformin. I have since been 69, 86, 93 and now am 105. I am struggling due to different medications, not being able to be as mobile and exercise also not been as rigid with my diet.

Oh goodness @NuttyNatty what a difficult time you have been having.

So sorry to hear how much more difficult your diabetes has been to manage recently.

Hope you find a balance between your menu and your medications. Do make any changes to your diet carefully and in stages, while keeping a close eye on your glucose levels.