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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm reasonably new to type 2 diabetes and my blood sugars have gone up. My test this morning is only 8.9 but should I be worried. They are bouncing up and down. Up ad high as 16.7 in the day and down to 8's in a morning. What am I doing wrong. I am under a while lot of stress at the minute and quite poorly too could it be that? Do I need to inform anyone or just wait till it settles back down again?
I'm reasonably new to type 2 diabetes and my blood sugars have gone up. My test this morning is only 8.9 but should I be worried. They are bouncing up and down. Up ad high as 16.7 in the day and down to 8's in a morning. What am I doing wrong. I am under a while lot of stress at the minute and quite poorly too could it be that? Do I need to inform anyone or just wait till it settles back down again?
Welcome to the forum, perhaps if you say a bit more about how you manage your condition, what dietary approach and medication as then the readings you quote may make more sense and have an explanation. When in relation to when you ate was the 16.7mmol/l
However stress and illness can increase blood glucose but blood glucose will vary throughout the day and night mainly influences by what you eat and drink and any exercise.
How are you managing your Carb intake? If you don't take account of that you can have wide variations in BS unless you are on certain tablets which may help a bit. They to reduce and smooth the carb intake to help smooth the BS.
I am in gliclyside and metformin as well as insulin and type 2 diabetic and have not been told anything to do with monitoring carbs etc. Thought that was for thoses in a lot of insulin and type 1. I only take 12 units in a morning that is all. I eat a well balance diet ands have little sugar and only a small amount of fruits such as apples bananas pears, blueberries. I tend to snack on mangetout, sugarsnap peas sun blushed tomatoes and olives if I want a snack with natural yogurt. The spike I had that was over 16 was before food
I am in gliclyside and metformin as well as insulin and type 2 diabetic and have not been told anything to do with monitoring carbs etc. Thought that was for thoses in a lot of insulin and type 1. I only take 12 units in a morning that is all. I eat a well balance diet ands have little sugar and only a small amount of fruits such as apples bananas pears, blueberries. I tend to snack on mangetout, sugarsnap peas sun blushed tomatoes and olives if I want a snack with natural yogurt. The spike I had that was over 16 was before food
That combination of medication sounds tricky to balance together with not keeping a good track on the amount of carbs which could explain the erratic blood glucose levels.
It is important what your insulin is as to what carbs you need to have without the risk or going either high or low, too many carbs and the insulin will be insufficient to stop blood glucose from going high and if not enough carbs then you risk going too low.
What specific insulin is it and when do you take your gliclazide as the timing of that may have an impact as well on the high or low levels.
A chat with your DSN may be useful to give you advise about the carbs.
I am in gliclyside and metformin as well as insulin and type 2 diabetic and have not been told anything to do with monitoring carbs etc. Thought that was for thoses in a lot of insulin and type 1. I only take 12 units in a morning that is all. I eat a well balance diet ands have little sugar and only a small amount of fruits such as apples bananas pears, blueberries. I tend to snack on mangetout, sugarsnap peas sun blushed tomatoes and olives if I want a snack with natural yogurt. The spike I had that was over 16 was before food

Which insulin do you take @Sappa08 (name plus any numbers or letters after)? Although you don’t have to count carbs if you’re only on a basal/slow insulin, you do still need to be aware of how many you’re eating. If your diet is very moderate, then it might be that your insulin needs changing or augmenting.
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