Help needed in London

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am in London tending my son who had an operation and my blood glucose has shot up to 210 (11.6) Being from abroad I am a bit scared and would like to visit a doctor and get medical advice. Can anyone suggest a doctor or clinic? I did not want to simply google and wished to get recommended help. Thanks!
11.6 is not dangerously high. If you do really want/need to see a doctor, you should look for a drop in centre. Failing that, if your son has a GP, they may see you.

Sorry I can't offer any more specific help, but as I say, 11.6 is nothing to worry about too urgently.
Hi Ibrahim

I think as Alan suggests, a drop in centre is a good idea. I think this is the page you need:

just enter your postcode in the box and it will find the nearest drop in centre for you. If the link does not work, I found it by googling 'NHS walk in centres', it is the very top result.

Or you could call NHS Direct 0845 46 47 or

I am sure you know what is high or not for you. If you feel scared and think that 11 is an unusually high sugar level for you, then you should see a doctor even if others might not think it is high for them.
High in Stress

Hi there - don't panic! In times of stress our bs levels tend to go high - I am a type 1 and when my dad was dying I didn't eat for 3 days and constantly had to inject to bring my bs levels down! It will be the stress of coping with your son's operation - in a way it is your bodies natural response - giving you energy to cope - unfortunately being diabetics - we see this happen by monitoring our blood sugars and that can cause further stress! There is an excellent endocrine until at St Guy's hospital at London Bridge - but I am not sure about being able to 'drop in' on them. Your levels aren't exceptionally high and I am confident that once you are happy with your son's progress that they will return to normal.
Best of luck and hope your son recovers quicky xx
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