Help. Need advice please.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi. I've already posted this plea on the Newbies forum but think this thread is more☹ appropriate as I'm not new to diabetes, just the site, and haven't had any replies ☹️.
I've had diabetes for over 35yrs and am type 2 on insulin. I have managed ok up to now but had a big scare a couple of months ago. I had gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhoea for 3 days, I got very dehydrated and my bm was 45. I had a dka and a heart attack. I was in hospital for 2 weeks and it was touch and go as to whether I'd make it. So much for the sob story. I did make it and am now on a whole cocktail of meds and am going to cardiac rehab. The advice I need though is how to get my mojo back. I have good days and not so good days and although I know I'm getting better I can get very down and weepy sometimes. I think it's partly shock but want to know how long before I'm my old self and would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who's been through this too. I've read some of your answers to other posts and think you guys are so understanding and helpful. I hope someone can do the same for me
Hi @LesleyC and a big welcome to the forum 🙂 It's a great place for finding your mojo, well it keeps me on track at any rate!
It sounds like you've been to hell and back via the scenic route and it's no surprise you are down and weepy. Although I can't say I've been through anything similar (plain old T2 on metformin!) I'm sure there are people who'll be along soon who can help. In the meantime, {{hugs}} from me, and hope you start to feel more normal soon x
Hi @LesleyC Another hug from me - you’ve been through a lot and it’s no wonder you don’t feel yourself. I can only give general advice, but firstly I think you should pace yourself emotionally. Don’t have any expectation of getting back to normal emotionally after two months. It’s such a short time. Also, if possible, could you talk through your experience and feelings with someone? Talking/counselling sounds a bit trivial but it can really help to gently sort through your feelings.
Thanks Inka. You make a lot of sense. I have thought about counselling but it's on the back burner for the moment. I'm sure that when I feel better physically I'll feel better emotionally too. I'm "waiting to see" for the moment, taking it easy and working on getting fitness back.
I don't have any answers. I wanted to say that is a very big trauma in many ways. It is normal to take as long as is right for you to feel luke yourself again.
(((hugs))) You've been through the mill! (((hugs)))
I am sorry for what you have been through and wanted to also offer you (((hug))) and a welcome to the forum x
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