Help! Miao Miao, iPhone and Wear OS smart watch


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hello! I’m in desperate need of some help please.
My son is Type 1 and I’ve just bought him a miao Miao.
He has an iPhone and a smart watch that runs on Wear OS (so not an Apple Watch).
He needs the alarms to go off on his watch because he works on the shop floor at M&S and he’s not allowed his phone with him but he struggles with hypos and we wanted this so it could set off an alarm when he starts dropping too low before it gets too late.
I can’t work out for the life of me how to set up the watch. Does anyone know of an app that works with iPhone and a Wear OS watch where the alarm will go off on the watch without the phone being in range?
I’m really scared I’ve just wasted a lot of money.
thanks very much
No real experience but the Miao Miao web site lists an app, called Tomato, that works with both IOS and Android and smartwatches including those that use Wear OS. I'm guessing but suspect that the Miao Miao will not talk to the watch directly. It talks to the phone and the phone talks to the watch. Does the watch pick up notifications from other things on the phone, for example, texts and e-mails? If it does then I am guessing that the tomato app will do the job, but the watch and the phone will need to be within Bluetooth range of each other for it to work.

I would be really surprised if a good employer would not allow your son to carry his phone for the purpose of preventing a medical emergency with the proviso it is on silent and never leaves his pocket.
Thank you, I’ll check that out. To be honest, he’s just sticking to company standard policy but M&S have been brilliant so I’ll get him to ask them. He doesn’t get notifications because his phone is out of range.
I would think that the general phone policy would be relaxed for a person‘s health needs (though having limited hypo awareness to an extent that you rely entirely on alarms is not great tbh, and I think the DVLA would want him to stop driving).

Hope you can find a way to make the tech work, or get HR to approve the carrying of his phone for medical reasons (my Dexcom receiver is currently my phone, so I would need the same sort of accommodation.
You could try the sugarmate App. I've just got a TIC watch which i've got linked to my iphone. Sugarmate can be set up to notify of high / low blood sugars and you can also update the iphone calendar with current blood sugar readings which are then available on the watch calendar (this is a little sporadic, not sure why may need Dexcom App and Sugarmate App to both be open) . My set up is Dexcom G6, TSlim Pump, iphoneXr, TICWatch2020.