Hi Caz and welcome to the forum.
I have had T1 for 28 years and spent a big chunk in the middle just coping on autopilot - coincidentally when children arrived. I found that as the kids were growing up my own eating habits degraded so that I was eating the same as them and even finishing off whatever sweet stuff they couldn't manage. I have never had an HbA1c >8 and so it was easy to think that I was doing OK. Some mild complications made me realise that I needed to have tighter control, if I want to live long and healthy with the use of limbs, eyes etc.
It sounds very blas? to say this, but you have to acknowledge when things aren't going well and force a change in your approach to diabetes management, almost going back to basics and cutting out all the naughty foodstuffs. It is a vicious circle because stress and tiredness tempt you to lose focus, leading to poor control which then increases lethargy and so it all goes. A traumatic period for me, a few years ago, meant that I, again, lost the will to concentrate and it all went haywire again. Unfortunately, this happened at the same time when my favourite DSN retired, the local hospital seemed to be employing a succession of inexperienced and unsympathetic diabetes consultants/doctors, I was transferred to the care of my surgery who at least seemed to know what diabetes is but not much else etc. etc.
My latest resurgence of interest brought about my discovery of this forum and I have gained a lot of info and ideas from the thoughts of others. Some of it can be a bit depressing when you read about people achieving stable BG readings <7, but I am trying to look at these as realisable targets, rather than just give up again. I am looking to change GP surgery and will start badgering the hospital again soon, when I have more (testing) data to talk to them about.
As I said, YOU have to want to re-focus but before you can even make that decision, you have to be honest with yourself and face up to your control or lack of it. We all know that better control will reap rewards in health as well as our personal outlook and well-being. Hang in there and remember that, if you look after yourself, you'll be around longer to enjoy your kids.
You know, deep down, that you can control the diabetes from past experience - it's just a case of getting back there. 🙂