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Help - looking for ideas


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good Morning everyone 🙂
As the title says I'm looking for ideas please.

On Monday I had my HbA1c blood test following being on Semaglutide for just over 3 months. When I started Semaglutide my reading was 80mmol, disappointingly my latest reading is 74mmol much higher than I had hoped for and I'm at a loss to explain it.

I was originally diagnosed as Type2 in 2014 and, until 2022 my review blood test readings were usually within range and acceptable. However in the last 3 years they have steadily risen despite my lovely Diabetes Nurse "tweaking" my medication. I started on Metformin (plus dietary changes) in 2014. Then Forixga was added some years later and then Gliclozide. When my nurse added Semaglutide she discontinued the Gliclozide so now it's only Semaglutide, Metformin and Forixga. I wasn't overweight when I started the Semaglutide but have lost about 7lbs since starting it. My waking sugars used to be in the 5.6 - 6 range but are now 7.3 - 8 range.

I try to be as low carb as possible (and, of course, try to avoid all sugars both hidden and otherwise !). The problem is that, because of other health issues, I do need some carbs in my diet. I have both a heart condition and ulcerative colitis/proctitis. For my heart health I do need to eat a varied diet low in fat and including a good variety of fruit and vegetables ; for the colitis I need a certain amount of carbohydrates otherwise I get a flare up. I'm now totally fed up with, what amounts to, a very restricted and boring diet ! I'm half Italian and used to eat pasta/rice at least once a week - now it's a very small portion of wholemeal pasta once every couple of months at best. I no longer eat potatoes or any "starchy" vegetables and bread is limited to 2 slices of wholemeal from a small 400gr loaf for a sandwich at lunchtime. Cake of any sort is totally off the menu and biscuits are limited to the sugar free/low carb ones manufactured by Gullon. I've tried all the "hacks" like eating more fat (not good for my heart !) and making sure that vegetables make up about 70% of any meal.

I do know that I need to exercise more but at the end of 2022 I had a very bad fall fracturing a number of vertebrae and my mobility has been restricted since then.

Any ideas/advice welcome !
It sounds like the gliclazide worked better for you than the semaglutide. Were you at the maximum dose of gliclazide or was there room to increase it? Have you got an appointment to review your medication following the hba1c?
Thanks for your reply 🙂

I was on 80mg Gliclazide with breakfast and 40mg with evening meal - so there was room to increase it. But nurse said it has a tendency to "squeeze" too much insulin from the pancreas. And, yes I do have a review appointment with my Diabetes Nurse at the end of next week. My previous Diabetes Nurse (who I didn't get on with at all !) kept pushing me towards insulin which I really don't want to resort to unless it is absolutely essential, but I fear that may now be the only option left to me.
Susie - don't dread insulin, mate. It is, these days, by NO means as 'restrictive' as it once used to be - and if it's what your body happens to need, then your body needs it.

No idea how old you happen to be - but it's an irrefutable fact that bits of the body wear out and stop functioning efficiently at various points in people's lives. Hence neither you nor the medical profession can stop that happening entirely and whilst it's true we can hold some things at bay for some time - if whatever's failing is progressive sometimes we have to accept that too because the good ole NHS will still try and help, where and when they can.
Chronologically the wrong side of 75 by a few years 😱 mentally about 45 :rofl:
:rofl: I still have a brass keyring given to me by a former schoolfriend for another 'significant' birthday milestone that clearly states '39 forever' so that's that mentally BUT my physical body disagrees, being still 74 until April this year. My beloved husband has had various health probs that were incurable and progressive - but as mentioned - the NHS has looked after him, just like it's looked after me, all my life.

Yes - there have been times when either of us has needed to be a bit more patient, but we have usually 'got there in the end'. Be interested to know what the 'new' nurse tells you. And if they again suggest insulin make sure you ask the right questions eg Are you 100% certain there is no other choice ? and Exactly which insulins would you start me on, and please explain why those?