Help! Libre 2 keeps restarting!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've applied my first Libre 2 today (I've used Libre 1 for several years). After the 6o minutes setting up, instead of giving me a reading it goes back to the start of the 60 minutes before I can scan the sensor; this has happened three times. I would be most grateful for advice.
It's telling me to check if the sensor is loose, to remove and start another one if it is; but if not loose (which it isn't) to restart.
I think you need to ring the Abbott careline and speak to someone about it. They will talk you through checks and if unable to resolve it, then they will probably tell you to remove it and replace and they will likely send you a replacement in the post along with an envelope to return the defective sensor. Hopefully you have a spare sensor. If not it will be back to finger pricks for a few days until the replacement comes.
I’ve never had this, but as @rebrascora says, get onto Abbott to see if they can suggest anything, but it sounds like they will have to send you a replacement. Hopefully you have a spare Libre 2 to replace it with? Hope you get things working, I feel so lost for even the hour wait when changing sensors!
Thank you for your advice. Fortunately I did have another, so replaced it and will contact Abbott. It was strange as it wasn't loose at all! It was my first Libre 2 so I wondered if it was because of that. Like you I feel very lost without a sensor!
Glad you got it sorted. Most libre sensors are trouble free, its a pity your first played you up
They will ask you to return the not working one for them to review so keep it if you can. I Had one fail on applying the spikey needle catheter in the middle came loose.

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