help in understanding blood glucose results

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Yesterday was my first day of testing my fasting test was 6.1. The day before was not a good day food wise, lots of carbs etc.
My results varied through the day my lowest was 5.2 the highest 7.2 with all results back to pre meal kevels or below by the two hour mark.

This morning (having eaten a total of less than 40g of carbs yesterday) my fasting result is 6.8. Is this likley to be a natural fluctuation or slightly higher due to yesterdays foods?

I am aware that it is early days and it is difficult to tell after such a short time but I was hoping for it to go down a little or stay the same.

My DSN tells me to try and stay within the range of 5.0 to 9.0 and you seem to be doing that, so I shouldn't worry too much. However, the 6.8 would suggest to me a morning glucose dump and that you may have gone a bit low in the night. A small carby snack before bed might be enough to level things out.
Thanks for that I will see how it is for another couple of days and if it is a regular thing then I will try something before bed.
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