HELP: I might have ruined my remission :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had been doing REALLY well with my diabetic control that even with eating some sweets and carbs it wasn't even breaching 5/6 after a couple of hours. My consultant even said it was showing signs of remission.

But since my dad got ill and died in October/November I been really bingeing on carbs and sweets etc. My last HBA1C check in December pre-op was 41.

I just had a heavy KFC meal of a Zinger Tower Burger, Large Beans, Mini Fillet Wrap and Large Popcorn check. Just checked my BG and it's 9.1

I been bingeing a lot lately due to recovering from surgery. But I'm worried the past few months have undone all the good work to have reduced my HB1AC and send it into remission. I've also put on a few kilograms. I was 83/84 prior to my dad dying, it's now just under 90kg.

I don't want my diabetes to come back I thought it was going away. Have I blown it? Can I still send it into remission? Please help.
Just go back to eating meals which don't raise your blood glucose - I suggest aiming for 8mmol/l, and you should soon see what you need to cut out.
The higher levels will not help you recover from surgery - rather the reverse, as slow haling is one of the symptoms of type 2. The good news is that the extra Kg ought to start to fade away, so you know you're doing it right.
Sorry to hear about your dad @Purple_Panda. As Drummer says above cut down your carbs and you should see good results. Life doesn't always go how we planned it and lots of us will be improving our lifestyle this January, me included. You can do this 🙂
If it helps at all… if I ate that meal I’m pretty sure I would be in the 20’s!! And my hba1c last time was 5.9 xx
So I just tested my BG it's 7.0. I ate my very heavy KFC meal just before 1pm. Is that an ok BG level even for a non-diabetic or is it too high?
So I just tested my BG it's 7.0. I ate my very heavy KFC meal just before 1pm. Is that an ok BG level even for a non-diabetic or is it too high?
So it has come down from 9mmol/l 4 hours ago to 7 now which is in range for pre meal level (4-7mmol/l) but probably better to have something low carb for your evening meal. It doesn't look as if you have done too much damage from the meal you had.
If you had tested 2 hours after the meal I suspect you wouldn't have been over 8 mmol/l which is what you want for 2 hours post meal.
I was just so hopeful when I was told I was showing signs of remission. My dad's death really has kicked that all into the grass and the irony is I didn't really get on too well with my dad either.
Hi Purple_Panda, so sorry to hear about your dad.

You haven't ruined anything as part of managing diabetes is accepting that things happen which have an impact on how we eat and the numbers that we see. Stress increases our need to regulate hormones and one of the commons things to do that unfortunately is comfort food.

The good thing is that you know exactly how to get back on track and so getting your numbers down won't be all guess work. It might be worth finding some items that are comforting but doesn't spike your numbers as much.

If there's anything we can do to help, do let us know. We're right here beside you on your journey so feel free to keep us updated.
I'm classed as in remission, but my insulin response is still the same - I think the first phase is not there, and never really has been, so I eat low carb and avoid putting on weight - it is just the easy option for me.
No reason why you can't get back on track but you clearly need to find ways of dealing with stress/anxiety it's going to show it's ugly head all through our lives so you need to find another way of dealing with it. Junk food was a great comfort to me when going through bad times but looking back it just made things worse.

It's your reaction to these stressful things not the stressful things that are causing the problems.
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