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help....forgot to take levemir


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I went to bed last night and was totally exhausted, I did a blood test which was 5.2 and got ready for bed. I lay down and that was it until 7.30 am and realised waht I hadn't done can anyone tell me what I should do as this as never happened before
Thanks Sue
Sue - you haven't given enough information for advice to be given, but in any case, rather than getting advice from a message board, your best line of approach is to URGENTLY phone your diabetes team (if they take messages on Saturday mornings) or ask your pharmacist or read your patient information leaflet (comes with each box of insulin) or phone NHS Direct (if you're in England or Wales) 0845 4647 / NHS 24 (if you're in Scotland) 08454 24 24 24. Northern Ireland doesn't have a comparable service.
I agree, you need to get professional advice specific to you.

I have forgotton my lantus once before, ironically during my dafne week! The dsn in my case just had me testing more frequently and making more corrective doses during the day rather than take it late. But as I say that was specific to me, and maybe lantus?, and I suppose I was under medical supervision for the day. Ring your diabetes team if you can at the weekend or failing that try nhs direct or your pharmacist.
Have done this several times, sometimes I'm just too tired. what I've done in the past is to inject half the dose in the morning so not to be without any basal insulin, then take a reduced dose in the evening and have an uncovered snack to get my through the night with the extra basal.

The other option would be to do as Aymes did and correct through the day with fast acting.

If you can get through to anyone then they could give you specific advice as others have said.
I think this is where my split dose 7am and 7pm has its advantages, I have forgotten my Levemir in the evening, usually out for supper, have my Nova Rapid with me, meaning to do my Levemir when I get home and forgetting...

The effects arent't too bad as I only have to see the night through to get to my next dose.

Hope you're ok and get it sorted out soon.