Help for a friend

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
A dear frind of mine has recently been diagnosed as having Insulin Resistance, she has started taking Metformin and Ramipril and has been told to "watch" her carb intake and that's it! Needless to say she is a little anxious and wants to know exactly how much carb she should be taking in a day, should she cut it out altogether for a short period or just cut down??
She has symptoms of 'brain fogginess', blurry vision, inability to concentrate and water retention.
Her blood glucose was slightly elevated when GP tested it but she wasn't sure what it was.
Can any of you lovely people help???
Thank you in advance
Hmm, not very comprehensive advice there! I think the best advice for your friend would be to follow a good GL diet (Glycaemic Load). There is a very good book that I read recently that explains all about GL, plus the food groups etc. and has a very good selection of recipes. See my review at:

Your friend probably won't want to test at this stage, although it might be worth getting a meter and just doing a fasting test once a week or so - she can get a free meter by phoning one of the meter companies and these usually come with 10 or 25 free strips. Try googling 'free glucose meter' for UK sites. Accu chek, contour, freestyle are names to look out for.

Of course, your friend is very welcome to join here in case she has any questions or needs a bit of support! 🙂
Your friend can do things like swap potatos for an extra portion of vege, swap from white bread to whole meal/whole grain, and do the same with pasta. It might help if she could see a dietician. We need some carbs in our diets, but in general aim for a balanced diet.

many years ago the advice I was given for fluid retention was to drink more water, but it is also sensible to cut down on salt and sugar, and maybe ask if the doctor can give her something for it?

I'm sure someone else will be along soon with more suggestions. It might help your friend if she could also come here and have a look.
The book certainly sounds helpful, I have forwarded her the link and of course told her about this site!!
Her insulin resistance is only being managed by her GP but wondered if she should seek more specialised advice??
Thanks Northerner and Caroline
C 🙂
Wondered if anyone had anymore info I could pass on to my friend regarding insulin resistance??
I'm very glad you read lots of books!:D
Thanks so much,Northerner.
C x
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