help, dont know what to do

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey peeps

hope ur all well, havent been on here in ages but im needin advice the now.

ive started the pump since monday and its sorta going well at the mo lol

but since 9pm tonight ive started to creep up and now my blood sugar is sitting at 20.

do i try a canula change or do i take an injection??

im so stuck with wot to do

I'd go for the canulla and give it a hour before testing. If the sugars start to drop then you know that was at fault. I - novice speaking - would think of giving a mini correction by pump or pen then.

Wait on other replies though. As I say I'm no pro on the new pumps so just a half educated guess...

Hope all goes well.

I think the help lines are 24 hour if you're really stuck. Don't feel bad about ringing. It's what they're paid for and from what I've heard they're generally a decent bunch!
hi i would have given the same advice as thunderbolt and like he said make use of 24 hr helpline they are very good when i have rung 🙂
Hi Loz,

Great news you got the pump, hope levels are behaving a bit better by now, sorry can't advise no idea about pumps!

Maybe there will be some pearls of wisdom on the pumping message board?

Take care,

Rossi 🙂
hey everyone, thanks for all your feedback.

I took 2 units of correction on my pump just to see if it would come down and thank the lord it did lol so probs just been a high sugar as i havent got my basal right yet.

Been a stressful week as ive not been well and im on antibiotics and having to get used to the pump as well lol but its now the wkend and im on my own lol sooo will just see how it goes.

yh i prob should of posted this on the pumping board but was panicking to much lol

defo going to try come on here more often, havent forgotten about it just been busy busy.

hope ur all welll :D

Glad to hear you got it sorted Loz, hope you are feeling better soon 🙂 I'll move this to the Pumping board for you.
Sounds like you have got it sorted now - but I would think it is the fact that you are on antibiotics and the infection or illness is the cause of the high level. But you did the right thing - so well done. If in doubt, use pen to correct, then check for bubbles, then set change, if levels still high - then set a temporary basal of 130% for an hour or two and keep testing until levels come down.🙂Bev
Sounds like you have got it sorted now - but I would think it is the fact that you are on antibiotics and the infection or illness is the cause of the high level. But you did the right thing - so well done. If in doubt, use pen to correct, then check for bubbles, then set change, if levels still high - then set a temporary basal of 130% for an hour or two and keep testing until levels come down.🙂Bev

thanks very much, il shall take a note of this 🙂
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