Help - Cracked tooth and Extreme Pain.


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi there.. I have the most unbearable toothache of my life, I have taken codiene and its not touched it, am in aweful pain. Waiting on a call back from 111. Was already feeling low before this happened. Has anyone any ideas?
I’d wait for the call back from 111
Yep I have, they told me as I guessed that they cannot help.
They should have been able to direct you to an emergency dental service to make an appointment to get it treated.
They should have been able to direct you to an emergency dental service to make an appointment to get it treated.
Youd think so.. The Nurse reminded me there is a huge wait for the nation and that my issue isnt basically bad enough yet.
I used to suffer from migraines and the only thing that numbed the pain was Solpadeine, which is a mix of Paracetemol and codeine.
I used to suffer from migraines and the only thing that numbed the pain was Solpadeine, which is mix of Paracetemol and codeine.
Yep we have that here, cocodamol.. I will try that now, thank you.
Yep we have that here, cocodamol.. I will try that now, thank you.
You need to be careful as you said you’ve already taken codeine
You need to be careful as you said you’ve already taken codeine
True.. Then again I once took a load and it never affected me. Just made me itch.
When I had excruciating tooth pain I found that swilling my mouth with spirits (rum in my case) took the edge off it better than anything else. I didn't swallow it but just rinsed it around my mouth every 20 mins. I was amazed that it could be so effective! I have no idea if that was a fluke or not but might be worth a try. Not advocating drinking but just washing your mouth out with it.
You have my sympathies though. I am also battling toothache but mine is bearable and I was lucky to get an emergency appointment earlier today, but need to go back and have it extracted at some point when the abscess is sorted.
Sensitive toothpaste rubbed on the gums can help. There are also mouthwashes with numbing agents that can give some relief. I would take ibuprofen if you can take that ( you can take it alongside paracetamol and codeine). Taking paracetamol with codeine makes codeine more effective. Over the counter mixes have very small amounts of codeine in so if you have prescription codeine use that instead and take plain paracetamol with it. Codeine doesn’t work for all people or all pain though. You may do better with a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Your usual dentist should have emergency appointments and severe pain warrants being seen.

A cracked tooth can be a weird thing. I have one that grumbles away. It would cause more issues to remove it so as long as I don’t have any infections it’s staying put. If you have severe pain it might be an infection in which case the dentist will prescribe antibiotics. And obviously every tooth is different so it may be suitable for yours to be removed.

I hope you find some relief and your dentist is helpful.
Sensitive toothpaste rubbed on the gums can help. There are also mouthwashes with numbing agents that can give some relief. I would take ibuprofen if you can take that ( you can take it alongside paracetamol and codeine). Taking paracetamol with codeine makes codeine more effective. Over the counter mixes have very small amounts of codeine in so if you have prescription codeine use that instead and take plain paracetamol with it. Codeine doesn’t work for all people or all pain though. You may do better with a combination of paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Your usual dentist should have emergency appointments and severe pain warrants being seen.

A cracked tooth can be a weird thing. I have one that grumbles away. It would cause more issues to remove it so as long as I don’t have any infections it’s staying put. If you have severe pain it might be an infection in which case the dentist will prescribe antibiotics. And obviously every tooth is different so it may be suitable for yours to be removed.

I hope you find some relief and your dentist is helpful.
Hey.. I dont have a dentist, he basically closed during covid and never told anyone. Thankfully its much better but not bad enough for anyone to deal with, currently using anbesol and pain killers - over the counter. 🙂
Hey.. I dont have a dentist, he basically closed during covid and never told anyone. Thankfully its much better but not bad enough for anyone to deal with, currently using anbesol and pain killers - over the counter. 🙂
I’m glad it’s manageable. And what a shame about your dentist. It’s worth trying to find a new dentist and getting an X-ray to see what treatment might be possible. Like I said mine rumbles along. Sometimes it’s absolutely fine and sometimes especially if I’ve been clenching my jaw with stress it can be really painful for a few days but then settle down again. The main thing is to make sure there’s no infection in there.