help complicated


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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
i have a lot of health issues mentally and physically .,noone can help it seems with the physical bowel probs as 2 gastros let me down . i see a psych . im on a med for sleep years which has caused tolerance ..its hell to come off.

i got so down when gastro refused tests i started binge eating mainly chocolate .2 grown kids care live not far but dont see as much. so on own and no friends . my hba1c was 44..wake finger prick 6.2 6.6 6.7 cos of chocolate also fructose intolerant..bloating on foods most ive cut out. put on 14lbs weight a lot of belly fat.. debloat after bathroom visits. ive sent gastro mails and nice poop pics. see him 30 august but before he refused tests..i cant walk far and mostly indoors. my ears no help . i am being sorted having iron tabs b12 injections and folic acid . once i eat chocolate i cant stop comfort eating ..told gp fructose intolerance and prediabetic not interested .. i am low and apathy poor hygeine eat mostly ready meals as no motivation to cook . I do see a psych BTW .but hes only interested in brain.. . i feel so alone and no help . wish people would understand . the sleep med can cause depression . sposed to be going away with son in October , all paid to Paris. both live nor far but rarely see . they've been sent texts from me and info re this med. son ignores and daughter hates reading do i lose weight if a disability and already on 2 bp meds and statin ..
i have a lot of health issues mentally and physically .,noone can help it seems with the physical bowel probs as 2 gastros let me down . i see a psych . im on a med for sleep years which has caused tolerance ..its hell to come off.

i got so down when gastro refused tests i started binge eating mainly chocolate .2 grown kids care live not far but dont see as much. so on own and no friends . my hba1c was 44..wake finger prick 6.2 6.6 6.7 cos of chocolate also fructose intolerant..bloating on foods most ive cut out. put on 14lbs weight a lot of belly fat.. debloat after bathroom visits. ive sent gastro mails and nice poop pics. see him 30 august but before he refused tests..i cant walk far and mostly indoors. my ears no help . i am being sorted having iron tabs b12 injections and folic acid . once i eat chocolate i cant stop comfort eating ..told gp fructose intolerance and prediabetic not interested .. i am low and apathy poor hygeine eat mostly ready meals as no motivation to cook . I do see a psych BTW .but hes only interested in brain.. . i feel so alone and no help . wish people would understand . the sleep med can cause depression . sposed to be going away with son in October , all paid to Paris. both live nor far but rarely see . they've been sent texts from me and info re this med. son ignores and daughter hates reading do i lose weight if a disability and already on 2 bp meds and statin ..
Welcome to the forum.
Without knowing what is causing your gastric issues it is difficult for you to make changes to your diet as potentially you could aggravate the situation but sometimes issues can be caused by an imbalance of your gut bacterial flora and having probiotic yoghurts can help.
Reducing your carbohydrate intake can also help as when carbs are metabolised then it produces glucose which increases blood glucose but your gut bacteria utilise and can produce gas.
Choosing the right chocolate and having as a treat, dark high cocoa content is best.
Your waking fasting reading are not all that bad but it is 2 hour post meal reading that will give you a better indication of how your body is coping with your meals, less than 8.5mmol/l is OK. But even so your HbA1C is OK. I suspect more of your concern is the weight gain which reducing carbs would help with.
Making your own meals doesn't need to be complicated or time consuming but less additives may help your gut issues.
For some meal ideas have a look at this link
The charity has a good website dealing with all sorts of gut issues and you may identify with symptoms described there and their treatment suggestions re diet may help.
What sleep meds are you on @Basten ? Can you get support to come off them? What are your gastro issues? Do you mean IBS?

Can you gradually reduce the ready meals? They’re usually not very nutritious. That become a bit of a vicious circle then: eat lots of ready meals, don’t get enough nutrition so feel too tired to cook, so eat a lot of ready meals - and round and round.

It’s good you’re having some supplements? Did you also have you Vitamin D checked? Low vitamin D can make you feel tired and achy.
What sleep meds are you on @Basten ? Can you get support to come off them? What are your gastro issues? Do you mean IBS?

Can you gradually reduce the ready meals? They’re usually not very nutritious. That become a bit of a vicious circle then: eat lots of ready meals, don’t get enough nutrition so feel too tired to cook, so eat a lot of ready meals - and round and round.

It’s good you’re having some supplements? Did you also have you Vitamin D checked? Low vitamin D can make you feel tired and achy.
yes d is slightly low. theres no support only fb groups. it wilk take me 10 months to taper and just one reduction 0.5 out of 10mg the burning pain eating in back is awful and worse lower I go. agrophia cortisol surges restless legs arms . gastro gps just say they wont be easy to get off took innocently 6 years for sleep plus other meds i weaned off . diazepam . i have stopped what i started to bloat on porridge cake biscuits omelette bananas apples rice pasta ready chicken dinner , bread even gluten free, pizza, sausages , chocolate , tried yohurt stomach doesn't like. slow bowel transit. its the chocolate im struggling with..i say no if i manage walk shop but find im buying it. any choc bloats and somedays thats all ive eaten..with slow bowel fibre makes worse. if i cooked a bit of fish spinach i want something sweet ,I've thrown jt away then retrieve it from the bin.. then eat too much fall asleep . have a banana sime nuts some choc and sleepy , i dont know if its ibs c . i have gastritis but antidepressant I'm on helps little to no pain as can eat cake choc biscuits cheese couldnt before

Welcome to the forum.
Without knowing what is causing your gastric issues it is difficult for you to make changes to your diet as potentially you could aggravate the situation but sometimes issues can be caused by an imbalance of your gut bacterial flora and having probiotic yoghurts can help.
Reducing your carbohydrate intake can also help as when carbs are metabolised then it produces glucose which increases blood glucose but your gut bacteria utilise and can produce gas.
Choosing the right chocolate and having as a treat, dark high cocoa content is best.
Your waking fasting reading are not all that bad but it is 2 hour post meal reading that will give you a better indication of how your body is coping with your meals, less than 8.5mmol/l is OK. But even so your HbA1C is OK. I suspect more of your concern is the weight gain which reducing carbs would help with.
Making your own meals doesn't need to be complicated or time consuming but less additives may help your gut issues.
For some meal ideas have a look at this link
The charity has a good website dealing with all sorts of gut issues and you may identify with symptoms described there and their treatment suggestions re diet may help.
yes they good. no pure dark choc 4 squares palpitations .. thankyou
yes d is slightly low. theres no support only fb groups. it wilk take me 10 months to taper and just one reduction 0.5 out of 10mg the burning pain eating in back is awful and worse lower I go. agrophia cortisol surges restless legs arms . gastro gps just say they wont be easy to get off took innocently 6 years for sleep plus other meds i weaned off . diazepam . i have stopped what i started to bloat on porridge cake biscuits omelette bananas apples rice pasta ready chicken dinner , bread even gluten free, pizza, sausages , chocolate , tried yohurt stomach doesn't like. slow bowel transit. its the chocolate im struggling with..i say no if i manage walk shop but find im buying it. any choc bloats and somedays thats all ive eaten..with slow bowel fibre makes worse. if i cooked a bit of fish spinach i want something sweet ,I've thrown jt away then retrieve it from the bin.. then eat too much fall asleep . have a banana sime nuts some choc and sleepy , i dont know if its ibs c . i have gastritis but antidepressant I'm on helps little to no pain as can eat cake choc biscuits cheese couldnt before


Yes, tiny tapering off over months sounds best. Are you saying it’s Diazepam you take to sleep, or is Diazepam one you weaned yourself off? I didn’t quite get what you meant.

As I’m sure you know, eating just chocolate for a day isn’t going to help. I think it’s a false friend. It might initially feel ‘gentle’ on your stomach, but actually leads to further problems the next day or days.

I hope you find some ideas on the Guts UK site and that your appointment goes well. Perhaps writing a food and feelings diary would be useful, so that you can show the consultant?
yes diaz for sleep.take. if noone thank God has ever been on years when know too late only be 2 weeks max , they have no idea the torture people go through .i had a banana today 6 squares choc ready to chuck a few nuts a pieces chicken and green beans i think pancreas is giving up. thanks .i tried coming off before all i can say is came off 7 years ago didnt have all this bloating but eating was undescribable went to 7 stone .o.d 3 x . never what was happening to me. thanks ..