Help anyone !!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It's our second night on the pump and Molly has gone very high..we have now noticed the quick set wasn't on correctly. Have now reattached. Does this mean no insulin has been delivereed? Also the lead tubing looks like it has marks all the way down. We don't think they are bubbles? Any ideas. X we have just done a correction and waiting an hour to see if coming down if not will attempt to change the kit....
Hi, I do hope that you were able to bring Molly's levels down to good numbers. I don't pump, but have noticed from reading other's posts that the cannula problems seem to be the most frequent problem and often leading to no delivery of insulin.

Hopefully, things will improve as you all become more familiar with things 🙂
we have just done a correction and waiting an hour to see if coming down if not will attempt to change the kit....[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a good plan.

If you have got a blood ketone testing kit might be an idea to use that too and keep an eye on things.

I am on the Veo and had lost of problems with quick sets when I first started off with them not working or kinking. I now use mio or sils.

To test to see if they are bubbles or just marks - unclip the pump from Molly and send some insulin through the pump go to 'Reservoir + Set' then 'Fill Cannula' and set it to say a couple of units and watch to see if the 'bubbles' move. If they don't then its just markings otherwise you will need to feed insulin through until you get them out of the tubing.

Good luck.

Certainly with my pump, the tubing is double skinned and you can easily mark the tubing itself, if you've got one you threw in the bin recently, dig a thumbmail in it - sometimes under clothing they go in a fold as opposed to a loop (esp under eg waistbands etc, and I imagine, elasticated clothes might do it) At first glance, these can look a bit like air bubbles.

If there is any doubt in your mind - new cannula, new tubing and prime, every time. Better to be safe than sorry.

Unfortunately you will have no idea how much insulin has been missed (that applies to adults equally) so it's literally a matter of test, test, test and be a bit 'careful' with your correction at first (ie knock a bit off) until you are sure what's definitely happening to BG.

In what way did it come adrift? - is it all the sticky or just the bit in the middle where the cannula goes in? Could Molly have had something on her skin? - baby lotion, powder, perspiration, dampness from her bath?
Hi. I hope you got everything sorted last night.

Re the marks on the tubing - I get them a lot where I've pressed the tubing against something or kinked it. The walls of the tubing are pretty solid so it doesn't impede flow, just leaves a mark. To test if that's what the marks are from, take a piece of tube, double it over and crush the bend between your fingers. The mark that leaves are the marks I'm talking about.
Hi, do you mean the top part wasn't clicked back into place into the cannula ? Done this before after a bath and numbers had risen - concluded she had missed her basal insulin for that period of time, corrected and fine.
Often find the tubing whitens when it has been bent but haven't found this effects delivery.
Hope you got sorted 🙂

Certainly with my pump, the tubing is double skinned and you can easily mark the tubing itself, if you've got one you threw in the bin recently, dig a thumbmail in it - sometimes under clothing they go in a fold as opposed to a loop (esp under eg waistbands etc, and I imagine, elasticated clothes might do it) At first glance, these can look a bit like air bubbles.

If there is any doubt in your mind - new cannula, new tubing and prime, every time. Better to be safe than sorry.

Unfortunately you will have no idea how much insulin has been missed (that applies to adults equally) so it's literally a matter of test, test, test and be a bit 'careful' with your correction at first (ie knock a bit off) until you are sure what's definitely happening to BG.

In what way did it come adrift? - is it all the sticky or just the bit in the middle where the cannula goes in? Could Molly have had something on her skin? - baby lotion, powder, perspiration, dampness from her bath?

Bang onTW....if in doubt change the lot and test,test and test!
Thank you all. Such a bad night no sleep. Molly did come down so no need to change thank goodness as don't think I could do it yet. Must be markings but no one pre warned us about these. Fingers crossed for a better night tonight.
Thank you all. Such a bad night no sleep. Molly did come down so no need to change thank goodness as don't think I could do it yet. Must be markings but no one pre warned us about these. Fingers crossed for a better night tonight.

Glad to hear that Molly's levels came down, I hope you all get a peaceful, uneventful night's sleep tonight 🙂
Oh I'm sorry! didn't realise you hadn't had any practice - I'd have expected parents to be shown how to do it on themselves before subjecting their babies to it!
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