help! am I diabetic?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had my blood test results this week and my GP has put me on statins for high cholesterol and she also said my blood glucose was 7.8 after fasting so is sending me for a glucose intolerance test to confirm whether i am diabetic or not. I quickly bought myself a testing monitor yesterday and i checked my glucose when i got up this morning and it was 8.1. Does this sound like i am now diabetic? i'm trying to think positive and hope this glucose test will confirm that i am NOT diabetic but from experience on here , is it a foregone conclusion that I am?
hi carina gosh i have sat thinking for 20 minutes thinking how to answer all i can do it talk to you from my point of view and how i was diagnosed i was 9.4% and told im t2, but i would say i know its easy to say but hard to do but just wait and see what happens with the glucose test and see what that reveals, either way please come back and tell us how it goes for you .
Hello and welcome to the forum

The best thing to is not to worry to much at this point but wait and see what results come back from the Other tests.

I know it can be very upsetting as i have been through it all myself but please try not to worry to much.

I think you will find you have come to the right place to ask questions.

Alot of people in this forum have alot of experiance and will be able to answer most of your questions.
I had my blood test results this week and my GP has put me on statins for high cholesterol and she also said my blood glucose was 7.8 after fasting so is sending me for a glucose intolerance test to confirm whether i am diabetic or not. I quickly bought myself a testing monitor yesterday and i checked my glucose when i got up this morning and it was 8.1. Does this sound like i am now diabetic? i'm trying to think positive and hope this glucose test will confirm that i am NOT diabetic but from experience on here , is it a foregone conclusion that I am?

Dear carina62,

Welcome to the forum people here are always more than willing to help out.
We are not allowed to give medical advice, but can express an opinion. You doctor and the test will tell you for sure if you are diabetic or not - it doesn't look good! However, it is not the end of the world, there are some good ways of controlling blood sugar if you are, so try not to worry and let us know how you get on. I have had T2 for over 15 years and as yet have been able to stay clear of ALL diabetic medicines.

Warmest Regards Dodger
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Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is the gold standard for diagnosing diabetes. It involves taking blood, then drinking a set quantity of glucose in water, then taking blood exactly 120 mins / 2 hours after the glucose drink. A spot check of blood glucose with a home meter, whether fasting or not, is not a definite diagnosis, so it's best to wait for the definitive gold standard test. In any case, please let us know how you get on, and ask any more questions, as you need / want.
when i was suspected to be D my boss at the time who was D tested me and told me not to worry I was fine....but It turned out I had Type 2 with test result of 7.7. so listen to your Health team at this point in time.
...i was put on metaformin2xday and simstatin (however you spell it) within 4 months it was all reduced to just 1x metaformin a day...I felt quite alone and had tough times including losing job, But found this forum..(well done for finding it so soon)and have learnt alot and realised im not alone ...although we are all different..someones always around to help sympathise and listen ..good luck
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