help - a low that won't go away...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I seem to be having a constant low...have had a banana, sugary cup of tea, biscuits etc etc and am still at 2.7. It's come up slightly from 1,9 but my head hurts, I'm teary and my visions all screwy...and I'm panicing a bit...
I seem to be having a constant low...have had a banana, sugary cup of tea, biscuits etc etc and am still at 2.7. It's come up slightly from 1,9 but my head hurts, I'm teary and my visions all screwy...and I'm panicing a bit...

Hey hon,

Are you in company? Can I suggest whilst you are treating the hypo that you also call someone, friend/family or visit a neighbour? Just to be on the safe side (I am a safety first kind of girl...!) Just in case this hypo persists...

Have you got some rapid carbo? Lucozade? Cola? Dextrose tablets? To treat 2.7 I would be hitting the more hardcore stuff like that first. The other stuff you have had is very slow acting for that kind of low.

I prefer to have that and then follow up with a sandwich on brown, something more sustaining. I remember northerner I think mentioning about the toast and peanut butter, a prime example.

Please post shortly and let me and everyone know how you are. Please make contact with someone nearby though (even if its just to keep old auntie Louisa happy 🙂). Take care babe x
Drink lots of apple juice or orange juice - it works very quickly! Hope your levels have risen since you posted? Bev
My other half is here thankfully and making me check every so often. Unfortunately I don't have anything super for lows atm other than a bag of sugar 😱

just checked and they're at 4.7, but they rose to that earlier and then went back through the floor again...

thanks guys
Cant you send the OH to get you some apple juice? Failing that - have another cup of tea with 3 sugars in - now!Bev x
eek! Yes bev :D though...sugary tea is vile
Feeling a tad better, but gunna keep an eye on things so they don't crash again, just got that horrible headache that comes with lows now...I think later on I'm gunna go out and get myself a carton of apple juice because that'd work sooooooo much better than what i have here right now
Hi Sam, this sounds a bit like what happened to me a couple of weeks ago - plummeted like a stone and jelly babies didn't work, kept falling. It took about an hour and 30-40g carbs (JBs, biscuits and sweet tea) to get me back up to feeling normal again and my levels only went up to 6.2 an hour later!😱

If OH is there, then just sit with him and stay calm - the carbs you've taken should hopefully bring you back up again soon!
Good to hear you are rising....

I am going to sound like a nag here but you really should have something ike the lucozade (100% carb), fruit juice or cola for emergency hypo treatment in your house and keep it purely for that only. A low of 2.7mmols is serious and needs treating accordingly.

As long as he isnt gone long, why dont you send the other half out? Start thinking about your next mealtime and having something substantial.

Hope you feel better and keep posting.

Lou x
aye, im gunna pick some fruit juice and/or lucozade up later on. I'm getting a bit of cabin fever having been stuck inside so long cuz of it. GAH! Stupid thing.

Dinner tonight is spag bol so I'd say that'll be perfect.

(just checked again...9.7...bit higher than id like but at least its come up, its taken long enough!)
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aye, im gunna pick some fruit juice and/or lucozade up later on. I'm getting a bit of cabin fever having been stuck inside so long cuz of it. GAH! Stupid thing.

Dinner tonight is spag bol so I'd say that'll be perfect.

(just checked again...9.7...bit higher than id like but at least its come up)

All sounds good! Glad you are feeling a tad better! And the spag bol sounds nice, take care and enjoy! x
Hi Hun...

How are you feeling now?..I've just come online..Good to hear your levels are rising:D

Glad you got it up in the end. I read somewhere that another reason it's really important to treat lows with very fast acting carbs and getting blood sugars back up quickly is to prevent hypo unawareness. The longer your blood sugar is at a low level the more the body gets used to, after the inital adrenaline reaction, the symptoms can resolve.
I've had that happen a few times in the past.
hey guys, thanks for all the hlp

am still feeling like rubbish but I usually get that after a super super low, bad headache that won't shift. But am ok now, am expecting to be running a bit high for a while as is usually the case with me but it has to be better than not being able to see and talking a load of rubbish!
Hi Sam ,I've only just come online , sorry to hear you have had a Low like that Grrr I hate those :( I hope you are feeling better now . Hey did I see on Facebook that you got the job ??

xAMx 🙂
thanks hun, feeling much better :D

and yes you did - i start on tuesday! :D
thanks hun, feeling much better :D

and yes you did - i start on tuesday! :D

Wooooo Well done !! all those lovely books :D I am so jealous , hehe good luck on Tuesday. ( dont forget your Lucozade lol )
Wooooo Well done !! all those lovely books :D I am so jealous , hehe good luck on Tuesday. ( dont forget your Lucozade lol )

oooooh i'll be taking lots and lots of sugary goodness with me just incase cu knowing my luck ill be running low all day! But BOOKS!!!! :D Thank yooooooouuuu :D
oooooh i'll be taking lots and lots of sugary goodness with me just incase cu knowing my luck ill be running low all day! But BOOKS!!!! :D Thank yooooooouuuu :D

Yeah you are so lucky !! books are one of the top three loves of my life along

with Chocolate and Music , hehe 🙂
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