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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Sorry not been around for a while, I have looked in from time to time tho! To be honest haven't felt too good and really didn't want to talk to anyone, Forum, Facebook, Home etc. :( just don't know why! Still finding it hard to come on here and talk, which is soooo not me 🙄 so I hope you will all excuse me.

I do hope you are all well and taking care, Shirl x
Hi Shirl lovley to see you posting hun xxxxx
Bless you Steff, thanx, an thanx for being there for me petal. It means a lot to me, take care of yourself, lv Shirl x
HI Shirl!

We've missed you. Hope your feeling better soon. You know where I am if you do ever want to talk, I've been told I'm a good listener xxx
Hey Shirl,

Hope you are ok......hope things get better soon. Sometimes its more comfortable to lurk, and I dont blame you. It isnt always easy to post when things are a bit tough and we'll always be here hon so you dont need to apologise for not being about.

If you ever need a chat away from the board please feel free to PM me.

Take care xx
Thanx Lou, I know your there for me and I really appreciate it! Hope your well, take care me lvly, shirl x
Hi Sugarbum, thanx for the post. Is soooo good to have this place, at least people here understand how we feel!

Thanx for the offer of the PM beware I may just take you up on it!

Take care, lv shirl
Bless you Steff, thanx, an thanx for being there for me petal. It means a lot to me, take care of yourself, lv Shirl x

ANYTIME shirl you know that hun xxx
hi shirl ...nothing wrong with lurking ...i often come on and just have a read x nice to hear from you x🙂
It is always good to hear from friends, and it is nice to know you are around. We don't all always feel like talking, so do whatever feels comfortable for you. We are here whenever you want us!
Welcome back Shirl, whether lurking or posting.
Hey Shirl, even I lurk from time to time! 🙂 Glad to see you posting, PM me too anytime 🙂
Thank you Northe, still struggling but tryin me best to get through tho! 🙂 Take care, shirl
hi shirl, hope your feeling better soon hun xxx
Thanx tracey, is still hard work but am trying! Take care, shirl x
Thanx Lizzie, am sure I will time as they say is a gr8 healer! Take care, shirl
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