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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hello i am new to here and been diagnosed with type 2 around 3 weeks ago now and just trying to get my head around everything and hope the site will help and make new friends along the way too , thanks for reading hope your having a great day
Hi @tas, welcome to the forum. How did you come to be diagnosed - do you know what your number is? Anything over 48 is classed as diabetic.

Have a read around the different threads and get an idea of the place. We're quite friendly and will be pleased to give some info or answer any questions you may have 🙂
yeah my number is 95 :( i was diagnosed at the doctors he told me my results i went for a healthy well being appoinment and they require a fullblood test this is when it showed i also have diverticular disease so i watch what i eat and i have a lot of foods i just dont eat so its just getting my head round it , thanks for the warm welcome x
hello i am new to here and been diagnosed with type 2 around 3 weeks ago now and just trying to get my head around everything and hope the site will help and make new friends along the way too , thanks for reading hope your having a great day
Hi @tas, welcome to the forum 🙂 Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, it must have been a shock to have come out of the blue like that. Try not to worry - although diabetes is serious it can be managed well, and the adjustments you make can help you to feel much healthier and happier, so please let us know if you have any concerns or questions and we will do our best to help 🙂 I'd suggest having a read of Maggie Davey's letter, which should give you a good introduction to start off with 🙂
Hi Taz and welcome to you. As above have a good look around the site and then I’m sure you’ll have lots of things you want to ask. We are all friendly here and have been in your position so know how scary it can seem but we are here to help you through it.
Hello and welcome. The diagnosis can be so overwhelming can’t it? You’re in absolutely the right place for advice and support though.
Hello and welcome. The diagnosis can be so overwhelming can’t it? You’re in absolutely the right place for advice and support though.
thank you for the warm welcome yes it came as a shock after losing alot of weight i still have a lot to go but will get there i have joined slimming world my fist weigh in was a gain but that was also only my 2nd week on meds so i hope its just that , i did lose inches tho so not all bad , today is the first day in 3 weeks i have woken up without a really bad headache so i hope i am finally getting used to the tablets and a plus its a friday 🙂 hope you have a great day thanks for the warm welcome x x
Welcome to the forum Tas from a fellow T2.
Hello tas.
Don't worry about the weight - the number to fight is blood glucose. Have you obtained a glucose meter? That can be used to silence anyone who hammers on about the health benefits of grain or potatoes and the dangers of a low carb high fat diet.
I found that getting the blood glucose into normal numbers gave me a Hba1c which was no longer in the diabetic range in 80 days, normal at 6 months from diagnosis.
My doctor hasn't spoken to me since telling me I was a very bad diabetic at diagnosis, I think he could be sulking as diabetics are not supposed to go back to normal.
Hello tas.
Don't worry about the weight - the number to fight is blood glucose. Have you obtained a glucose meter? That can be used to silence anyone who hammers on about the health benefits of grain or potatoes and the dangers of a low carb high fat diet.
I found that getting the blood glucose into normal numbers gave me a Hba1c which was no longer in the diabetic range in 80 days, normal at 6 months from diagnosis.
My doctor hasn't spoken to me since telling me I was a very bad diabetic at diagnosis, I think he could be sulking as diabetics are not supposed to go back to normal.
how amazing have you done i was also told you cant reverse it and you just show it can be done thats fantastic , hope i can do the same ,no i havn't got a meter yet as i get a bit OCD and i thought if i get them lower then i can then get one and check then as i know i will send my family round the twist if i have one now ,thank you for the warm welcome and hope you carry on with your levels being as there are your doing great , have a lovely day :D
i was also told you cant reverse it
Now that depends on what you mean by "reverse". Quite a few people go "oh cured", which we can't do. Diabetes can't be cured. It is possible to get the BG levels down into the "normal" range, and come off things like metformin.
I think I can say I have reversed the diabetes - now I am back to where I was decades before - I only need to inhale deeply going past the bakery aisle to put on a pound or so - just as normal.
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