hi tania welcome to the forum! i see you're a parent - when was your child diagnosed? what can we help you with? feel free to ask as many questions as you like, the people on here are wonderful!
Hi Tania and welcome to the forum.🙂
My son is just 12 and uses an insulin pump - this forum is a great place to be and offers so much advice - if you have any questions feel free to ask.🙂Bev
How long has he had diabetes and how long has he been on the pump for?
Chloe does MDI she's been on this just over a year, levels have been up and down, like most parents it just seems to be a juggling act!!
He was diagnosed 16 months ago and we tried MDI for 9 months. His hba1c was 9.6😱 on MDI. After using the pump for 2 months it was down to 8 and then at last clinic it was 7.1% - he only started pumping in August - so we are very pleased with the pump and he loves it. He wouldnt want to go back onto injections as he hated them.🙂Bev
Chlo's hba1c is 9.7😱 we were at clinic today her levimer dose is correct it's just trying to adjust the novorapid!
Chloe is very slim and very tall she has a couple of bad sites she keeps injecting into hence they think this is why her hba1c is running higher.
Fingers crossed we'll get her levels down, if not I can see her having to go onto a pump which she doesn't want to have.
I hope I havent made you feel bad mentioning the hba1c. All children are different and its a juggling act as you say. If Chloe has had a growth spurt this wont have helped with the levels - Alex is starting to have random highs and i suspect its his age and hormones!
I know a lady up in Scotland who is fighting hard to get her son on a pump and it seems that Scotland arent keen to fund them, this is awful. I must say - I dont think we could have gone on much longer on injections - it just all got out of hand and i think its because you cant get the doses accurate enough. On a pump you can do 1/40th of a unit - its such a tiny amount - but if your carb counting and needing low basals its a brilliant tool and i think this is why we are able to get on top of his levels. I hope things get sorted for Chloe soon and levels come down. Do you have different ratios for different times of day? Alex is on 1:14 1:15 and 1:16 and I am in the process of working out different ratios for his snacks late afternoon as i cant seem to get it right.🙂Bev