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New Member
Hi Guys

I'm 25 years old and have been a MODY diabetic since I was 12 years old. My Great grandmother, grandmother, mother and little sister all have it. So it's a relatively strong genetic trait.;

Next June I will be skydiving for Diabetes UK 🙂 My mum is now starting to experience kidney issues and may be going on dialysis soon.

I joined the forums as I thought it would be cool to talk to other people who have diabetes and who can relate really. As well as chatting about other stuff of course 🙂

As a MODY diabetic, I am currently on Gliciazide but am struggling (and have been for a while) to maintain the levels that I want. I have to be honest, I have spent a few years pretending I didn't have diabetes. I find it SO frustrating when you do all the right things and still have high sugar levels, it ended up in me burning out and pretending it wasn't going on.

Pet Diabetes Peeves :
- Doctors knowing very little about MODY (my doctors are awful)
- Battling to get test strips - I like to test 3-4 times a day - makes me feel in control.
- The fact that unless you have a medical exemption certificate you get charged for medication / test strips (It's not like people choose to have diabetes)

I enjoy reading, watching football, wwe and tennis and hanging around with my friends and family. I recently got married in August and went on honeymoon to Tanzania and Zanzibar - the safari was amazing 🙂

Hope to hear from you guys soon 🙂

S x
Hi S, welcome to the forum 🙂 That's quite a history you have there in your family! Sorry to hear that you are having problems, sorry also to hear about your Mum's kidney problems :( If the gliclizide isn't doing the job, have you considered insulin? A former member of the forum, also MODY, managed quite well with gliclizide for some time, but now uses an insulin pump and has good control. You shouldn't need to battle to get test strips. Do you see a consultant for your diabetes, or your GP? If the GP, and they do not have the knowledge to treat you appropriately you should ask for a referral to a consultant-led clinic - most GPs only ever see Type 2s, and certainly something as rare as MODY would be quite a rarity, so they can't really be expected to have in-depth knowledge of it, but by the same token, they should not be trying to treat you based on limited experience and knowledge. Seeing a consultant should also help you with the test strip issue. My argument about test strips are that if you can show that each test you perform provides you with useful information that will keep you safe and healthy, then you should ask the GP to tell you which you should exclude, and why? If they can't provide a sensible answer then they need to provide you with sufficient strips! 🙂

Congratulations on your wedding - honeymoon sounds awesome! Hope things go well with the fundraising for the skydive - my niece has done a couple and absolutely loves it! 🙂
Hi and welcome to the forum. You are in the best place for advice and support xx
Hi S,
Welcome to the forum! I joined a couple of months ago when I started insulin. I was diagnosed as type 2 five years ago, but the diagnosis was recently changed to type 1.
For the last 2-3 years, before the change to insulin, I was in complete denial. I did really well for a couple of years post diagnosis, but then I just stopped dealing with it. So I can completely empathise with how you've been feeling.
I'm now on the proper medication, and feeling much more in control and better about the whole thing really 🙂

I totally agree with what Northener said, request a referral from your doctor, you should be granted this, especially as you have MODY. A few months post diagnosis, I'm still struggling with getting the appropriate amount of test strips, but after seeing the consultant this week, that's hopefully being corrected.

This forum is brilliant for support and advice and general chit chat 🙂
Hi and welcome to the forum. I am a fellow MODY. Was diagnosed as type 2 in August then saw a different doctor who has since told me I am unusual! This forum is a great place for help and advice. I'm on gliclazide at the mo and its seems to be working for me.
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