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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, my name is Sam I am 37 (hence the username) and I have been diabetic since 1994 so 18 years, I sometimes still feel like I am newly diagnosed and can't seem to get things right - at the moment I am trying to concieve so I am really trying to get my levels on track ALL of the time, but it is hard because I have had them running high ish for so long and the lows are making me have really bad anxiety / stress moments too, which is one of my reasons for popping onto this site - not for pregnancy tips - i am going to my doctor for that but to see how hypos affect other peoples moods (I have often suffered from depression and have recently stopped taking venlaflaxine - I now find I suffer from stress/anxiety more than depression) and this is so much worse when I go low.

I will now look for the correct forum to post about this.

Thanks for reading, Sam.
Hi Sam, welcome to the forum 🙂 Diabetes can be tricky and there is a tendency, I think, to avoid those aspects that make us feel bad, even if only in the short term. Unfortunately, if your levels have been running on the high side for a while then getting them closer to normal will (as no doubt you know!) result in 'false' hypos, where you get the symptoms but aren't actually hypo. It's only be persevering and getting your levels generally lower that you will get your hypo awareness only when you are actually hypo. Hypos can cause stress and anxiety because of the adrenalin and cortisol that is produced when your brain starts to panic that you are low. As far as I know the only real solution is to ride out the storm until you are used to those lower levels.
Sam hi and a warm welcome to the forum
Hi Sammy - have you done DAFNE or another carb-counting course? - that should help you generally, let alone whilst trying to achieve a mega-low A1c prior to conception.

I can certainly recommend it, even though you may think you already know it. I thought that LOL - that's how I'm sure you can sometimes be utterly wrong about stuff! ooops.
Welcome to the forum Sam 🙂
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