• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.



New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Live in central Scotland and in my mid seventies
Have been type 2 since 2010 but since late 23 now type 1
Use Humulin M3 pen with CareSens Duel tester and strips
Both parents were diabetic and while I was type 2 was very careful what I eat
During covid Nov 22 was feeling just not right but doctors refused to see me
Anyway after admitted to hospital turns out my bile duct was blocked and led to infection in my
pancreas, liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.
The infection KO my pancreas but after 6 months on steroids the infection cleared up
So hello and thanks for allowing me to be part off
Welcome to the forum @homer49

Was your pancreas damaged following that bile duct / infection? And was that when you started on insulin?

Some people with T2 can need insulin after a while, but they are still T2. But if your pancreas was damaged by the infection you may have Type 3c. Do you also take Creon?

Type 1 is an autoimmune condition, so it doesn’t seem likely that you’ve developed that, though some Drs do mix up T3c and T1, because Type 3c is only relatively recently defined..

It’s a confusing old game!
Hello @homer49, welcome.

If I've understood correctly do you now have no pancreatic function as a result of that infection starting in '22 and done its worst by'23? If so I think a more accurate diagnosis would be that you are Type 3c, diabetes from a damaged pancreas; presumably with the extra possible bonus of significant T2 symptoms such as high insulin resistance

In practice this should not really matter. As a T1 you will get the full support of whatever technology is appropriate. Starting with CGM. Some unique differences between T1 and T3c can be the loss of digestive enzymes, thus needing Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT) medications. Creon is a commonly encountered PERT; there are other types of PERT. Consistent digestion behaviour makes a big difference for conversion of food into glucose and thus insulin dosing, tempered by exercise and activity from yesterday and today.

Some T3cs, I am one of those, find their D is very brittle; I can crash from high 5s to high 2s some days. The broad explanation is that the total lack of any pancreatic enzymes or hormones means there is no safety net from my pancreas! It is vital that when that crash feels possible I must take precautionary measures. But equally any over-reaction on my part can create a major swing to being too high. Glycaemic Variability (GV) is a key measure for all of us with diabetes; I seem to find achieving a steady glycaemic state is challenging.

If you haven't come across this, Gary Scheiner's book "Think Like a Pancreas" I found to be very helpful. An early observation from Scheiner to his readers is that 'Diabetes is Complicated, Confusing and Contradictory'. It is so true.
Hi The bile duct as you are probably aware is a small tube about 3mm (1/8th inch)
in diameter and takes the waste away from the pancreas
Now mine was blocked doctors said either a small stone or a built up of fat this meant
the waste was building up in my pancreas and infecting my liver, kidneys and gall bladder
Was given a stent in my bile duct to allow the waste away
When admitted the doctors at hospital strongly suspected pancreatic cancer and was
allowed home to get my affaires in order while more tests were carried out this was shattering news
One point in my favour the doctors could not understand that all the prodding they done I was not
in any pain so after 5 different hospitals and lost count of MRI , CT scans and ultra sounds
it was not cancer but a severe infection
Yes I take creon 25000 with every meal
Before I left hospital was instructed that I must inject myself will insulin as my pancreas was not
To be truthful never heard of Type 3c
Fairly briefly for now, you might find this link about types of diabetes helpful
If you then click on the type 3c link that will tell you more.

It is no surprise that you have not heard before about the existence of T3c. Many Health Care Professionals (HCPs) haven't either.

So your Humulin M3 insulin is a mix of fast acting insulin which is intended to deal with the glucose coming from your food and a slower acting insulin, which is intended to deal with the glucose that your liver produces routinely for most of any 24 hour period. What guidance have you been given about insulin dosing? Or indeed about meals?
Glad you have a finger prick lancing device and a Caresens meter to allow you to check your BG. Has anyone spoken about providing you with a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), such as Libre 2+ or Dexcom One+? I've very little knowledge about how good the arrangements are for insulin dependent folk in Scotland. How are you getting on with the whole business of managing your BG?

NB: My bile duct was blocked by my cancerous tumour. The blockage led to a huge build up of bilirubin, which led to jaundice and a pronounced yellow pallor. It took 6 weeks for a stent to be fitted and by the time it was fitted I was in a dreadful almost delirious state, from the excess of bilirubin.
Homer as Roland says your history is very consistent with Type 3c both in its timing and how you describe what happened to you.
As you will be aware the backing up of the waste by your blocked bile duct causes the pancreatic enzymes to attack themselves and that can destroy both your exocrine and endocrine cells which unlike other cells will not recover.
As Roland cells there are some differences which should be taken into account when managing your diabetes and good luck
Hello @homer49 and a very warm welcome from me 🙂. I hope you will find the Forum useful as there are lots of us with varying experience with this complicated and often frustrating condition.
Live in central Scotland and in my mid seventies
Have been type 2 since 2010 but since late 23 now type 1
Use Humulin M3 pen with CareSens Duel tester and strips
Both parents were diabetic and while I was type 2 was very careful what I eat
During covid Nov 22 was feeling just not right but doctors refused to see me
Anyway after admitted to hospital turns out my bile duct was blocked and led to infection in my
pancreas, liver, kidneys, and gall bladder.
The infection KO my pancreas but after 6 months on steroids the infection cleared up
So hello and thanks for allowing me to be part off
I live in central Scotland too! Are you under Forth Valley? I've found their support to be excellent :party: