

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have been Type 1 Diabetic since I was 19 years old. I am 61 yrs old in October. I have joined DUK today. I hope to improve in my Diabetes care. It’s always been up and down but somehow managed to get by…
Hello @RajR, Welcome to the Forum. I'm pretty much a newcomer to this D malarkey, in relation to yourself. I often think I'm "somehow managing to get by".

Others will be along in the morning; I'm awake because I had cramp in a thigh (a bit more exercise yesterday than planned). But I'm also unhelpfully low - a rare thing for me and I was sleeping through a couple of hours of Low alerts from my G7. Another rare thing for me; now I'm awake the alert noise is deafening!

I have a retired GP friend who is adamant that our bodies are truly complex and "wired" to tell you when something is wrong; he would hypothesise that my leg cramp was a way of getting me to wake up to deal with my low before it became a hypo. I've massaged my thigh, applied some deep heat and eaten a 12gm biscuit. Recovery happening; hypo avoided. I've got by, but might sleep in tomorrow!

Anyway, once again Welcome. We're a friendly bunch and happy to share our combined knowledge of "lived experience" of managing our D.
Hello @RajR, Welcome to the Forum. I'm pretty much a newcomer to this D malarkey, in relation to yourself. I often think I'm "somehow managing to get by".

Others will be along in the morning; I'm awake because I had cramp in a thigh (a bit more exercise yesterday than planned). But I'm also unhelpfully low - a rare thing for me and I was sleeping through a couple of hours of Low alerts from my G7. Another rare thing for me; now I'm awake the alert noise is deafening!

I have a retired GP friend who is adamant that our bodies are truly complex and "wired" to tell you when something is wrong; he would hypothesise that my leg cramp was a way of getting me to wake up to deal with my low before it became a hypo. I've massaged my thigh, applied some deep heat and eaten a 12gm biscuit. Recovery happening; hypo avoided. I've got by, but might sleep in tomorrow!

Anyway, once again Welcome. We're a friendly bunch and happy to share our combined knowledge of "lived experience" of managing our D.
You’re in good company, a hypo was what got me up too!
I sometimes also get night time cramps- these are whoppers! Sometimes one leg, one foot, sometimes both legs almost want to play a tune to force me up and walk around. No low BG there. I seem to think it’s because I’m low in magnesium. Amazon been to the rescue i bought some magnesium oil spray which reports to be good. I’ve used it once already. It’s cooling and nice and give you magnesium through the ‘skin’. Since then I have been magnesium tablets if I remember to take them!
BG replenished with biscuits and lucozade. My usual favourites. Thanks for welcoming me- fellow night owl!
I have magnesium tablets and took one last night before going to bed; but that was the first for a few weeks and I suspect a one-off tablet is insufficient. [I had the warning signs during the evening - didn't take enough notice]. I also have a magnesium gel; that does work as a one-off treatment. I went for deep heat because it's quick to apply and pretty quick to work; the mag gel is messy, needs time to rub it in and leaves my hands greasy and yesterday's clean sheets at risk with me vulnerable to my wife's wrath!

I used to turn to Lucozade and/or JBs as my hypo response. In those days I had Libre 2 as my CGM and it was a huge improvement from fp + strips only. But it was also hard work; over 50% failure rate, so was constantly checking if the readings were correct. At first I thought the Abbott tech was lacking quality control and poor, but gradually realised my body didn't like Libre 2. I changed to the former Dex One (when the NICE Guidance was updated in mid '22), which was an improvement. Slightly desperate I self funded 3 months of Dexcom G7 - this was a true revelation. Suddenly a CGM which was accurate and consistently reliable. Minimal FPs needed. Fortunately my Consultant got this funded by the Hospital and the consequence is that I rarely go even mildly hypo. The G7 alerts are usually set at 6 and even if I ignore the first alert the repeats are enough to make me snack on a slower GI response and stop my falling BG. So JBs, or Haribo mini packs, are rarely needed and Lucozade, in its reduced sugar form is equally rare for me. I now have an array of interesting snacks around the 10-15gm mark which work for me, with Lucozade replaced by the 200ml mini cartons of orange juice, which doesn't go flat and has a fair shelf-life.

Are you on a pump or MDI?

(Still awake; bg stable @7.4; thigh still niggling with cramp).
I have been on pens and pumps now back to pens. My consultant is looking at CGM and injection- but don’t remember exactly what it is.
I use Libre2.
Sounds like you are really on top of your game. Good on you!
Welcome to the forum @RajR

I’m a few years behind you (diagnosed aged 21 and not 60 yet).

I hope you find comparing notes with others on the forum as helpful, and informative as I did when I joined - I think I learned more about options for my own diabetes management in 2 years than I had in 20 years of 15 minute appointments!

Have you done a course like DAFNE or a local equivalent?

Was there a reason you moved to injections from a pump? That tech has come on in recent years, and the option to link with sensors as an integrated system can help smooth out the edges, and reduce the incidence of nocturnal hypoglycaemia.
Moved to injection with pen on recommendation of physician. Unfortunately have not attended either of the courses nor had known about them.
They have put on the waiting list to explore alternative ways of monitoring and injection of insulin. I await further developments.. so continue to struggle really…