

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm type 2 diabetic, was diagnosed back in 2014, and still haven't got the hang of the do's and don'ts for eating
Hi Petra,

Welcome. I'm newly diagnosed T2 so still figuring it all out myself. I've found the depth and breadth of knowledge on this forum really helpful (friendly too!)
People with more expertise than me will say hello soon, I'm sure.

Me: I'm trialling eating low carb (will have my repeat hba1c in November to see how that's going) and enjoying it. People here suggested this site and its helped me make sense of what is going on with pancreas!

I can second @BobbleHat's low carb approach. I've been low-carb for over 4 years now and I'm still fine with it...it's sustainable which is the main thing and I only occasionally have carb heavy glitches! Best of luck x
Welcome to the forum @petra

How have things been going for the past decade? Can you remember your most recent HbA1c? And have you been offered medication to help with your diabetes management?

Getting the right balance between meds and menu is crucial.

Many here find a lower carbohydrate way of eating can help their body metabolise the food they are eating properly. But low carb is not NO carb, and you may have to be a little careful making adjustments if you are taking certain sorts of medication.

Losing weight can also help improve insulin sensitivity, and if you are able to clear some of the visceral fat which may have built up around your organs, that can help ‘reboot’ your metabolism and restore some pancreatic function in some people

There are a selection of meal plans here which might give you some ideas

I am also a fan of the Freshwell low carb approach as it is based on real food and has menu plans and recipes as well as some do's and don'ts.