

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I'm Faisal from Punjab, Pakistan. I was officially diagnosed on Saturday, August 31, 2024, a few days ago. I have Type 2 diabetes. I am currently taking Empagliflozin 25mg every day for my treatment, along with Pioglitazone/Glimepiride 15/2 every other day, and Ozempic (Semaglutide) 0.5 weeks before breakfast and my daily diet. My lifestyle and food routine changed a lot since I started Ozempic (Semaglutide). I now only eat light food like boiled or fried eggs, plain yogurt, a small cup of milk, and salad. Sometimes in lunch, a portion of grain flat bread is mixed with curry. I am completely avoiding all kinds of sugars and sweets.
Hello and welcome. I hope you find this Forum helpful. The suggestion for Type 2 diabetics is to try and restrict all carbs to less than 130gm total per day, not just sugar and sweets, as it is carbs that turn into glucose in the blood. I appreciate this might be difficult for you, as it means reducing rice and breads, along with potato. Best wishes
Hello and welcome. I hope you find this Forum helpful. The suggestion for Type 2 diabetics is to try and restrict all carbs to less than 130gm total per day, not just sugar and sweets, as it is carbs that turn into glucose in the blood. I appreciate this might be difficult for you, as it means reducing rice and breads, along with potato. Best wishes
Thank you so much! I will keep in mind your suggestion.
You have been started on quite a few medications all at once so you need to be careful about reducing your carbohydrate intake too quickly as a rapid change can cause problems with your eyes and nerves.
Often people will be introduced to the medications one at a time if dietary changes are not working.
Do have a read around the forum for ideas of what people find successful.
Welcome to the forum @iFaisal

Sounds like you’ve made a good start to your diabetes management.

For an overview of how diabetes is managed in the UK, you might want to register with the Learning Zone (orange tab in the main menu) which has lots of information modules that you can work through at your own pace 🙂