

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello, i'm Sian!

I'm new to the forum but have been lurking for a good couple of years! I've joined because i'm starting to feel very lonely with diabetes as I don't know anyone my age with it. I've been noticing that it's harder to control my glucose levels in the heat and especially the humidity. I swum the channel last year for Diabetes UK and since then i've swum it almost 3 times.. swimming keeps me focused and happy!

I was diagnosed with diabetes after contracting Sepsis and even now I still find it difficult to talk about it. It's been a challenging couple of years but i've found being in the swimming pool has really helped and i'm looking forward to meeting new people.

Hello and welcome. I stand in awe of a channel swim, not for me but my youngest grandsons school did it last week, 11 and 12 year olds and he is training for next year's swim.
I don't test so don't know how the heat etc affects my BG, I'm T2, but as you are aware there lots of others
that do and they will help. Good luck.
Hi Sian and welcome to the forum. Glad you have "de-lurked" and joined in the fun!
What an achievement. I like swimming but doing the channel is something else entirely...amazing!
My BG doesn't seem to be particularly affected by heat, but all diabetics are different, which is one of the most challenging things; there is no one-size-fits-all.
I hope you feel supported by the forum. I know several diabetics (but I'm in my 60s) so we can always have a moan to each other, but the forum is a great place to let off steam and gather loads of useful tips.
Welcome @ChannelSwimmer 🙂 I’m very impressed by your Channel swims!😎 I find the heat affects my diabetes, but I’m Type 1 so on insulin. Are you on any meds for your diabetes?
Welcome to the forum. When I was diagnosed in July it was a big shock and no one in my family was diabetic so it was a bit overwhelming and lonely. I am incredibly impressed at your swimming abilities and determination. Decades ago I lived in Portsmouth and where I worked they organised a sponsored swim for the Mary Rose. I went to the first night when the A team swum including David Wilkie and the late New Zealand yachtsman Peter Blake (son in law of one of the bosses] I swam in an empty swimming pool the next day.

I assume you are more likely to be in the age group where type 1 is more common than type 2. There are a variety of members with different enthusiasms and knowledge. You will receive a warm welcome.
Hi Sian and welcome!

glad you’ve un-lurked and have become one of us! :D I absolutely looove swimming! How did you get into it?
Hi @ChannelSwimmer welcome to the forum. I have always been a swimmer but now haven’t swum since March when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I’m just too nervous of having a hypo while swimming at the moment.

I can relate to you feeling lonely with Diabetes. I have certainly felt like that but these forums have helped a lot.

What type of diabetes do you have?
Good to have you on here @ChannelSwimmer .
I look forward to hearing more from you.