

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hello friends!
Anyone back from holiday yet?
Very quiet on the forum for a weeks.
Hi BD,
Hope you are well and feeling more comfortable about managing your diabetes.
Also hope you are still enjoying life at the garden centre and must admit if your clients spent as much on plants as my wife then you then everyday would be like Xmas.
It is quiet but I find if you post on the daily “ Waking average thread” then it tends to be a bit more interactive but you can get as much or as little involved as you want and tends to attract a bit more general conversation rather than addressing specific topics which tend to be on message.
As I said hope all is well with you and yours and good to hear from you.
Me. We got back on Thursday morning. Had Thursday and Friday off but we are still sorting the rented house we moved out of before we hand back the keys.

And I haven’t haven’t internet access in the new house until yesterday morning so I’ve been off here for a few weeks, or just dipping in and out when my husband shared his data or secure wifi.

Good to be back.

Hope your well and works is going smoothly.
Hi PhoebeC, glad you got back safely. I hope you're ready for a normal routine. It's great to hear from people again on the forum again. My goodness what a long summer it's been! But not necessarily the best summer we've had.
I did not go away this year, as I'm saving up for a brand-new kitchen. It's actually being installed in about two weeks' time.
My job is going well, I love it, and they love me too! So glad I work at the garden center, the best job I've ever had!
Hi BD,
Hope you are well and feeling more comfortable about managing your diabetes.
Also hope you are still enjoying life at the garden centre and must admit if your clients spent as much on plants as my wife then you then everyday would be like Xmas.
It is quiet but I find if you post on the daily “ Waking average thread” then it tends to be a bit more interactive but you can get as much or as little involved as you want and tends to attract a bit more general conversation rather than addressing specific topics which tend to be on message.
As I said hope all is well with you and yours and good to hear from you.
Hi Wendal, great to hear from you. Its so good to hear from people again, after a very long summer, although not neccesarily the best summer weather wise. Life at the garden is great and glad I work there, no driving involved!
It's going to get mega busy over the few weeks up towards Christmas......I say bring it on!!!!! I love it when its busy.
I've been managing my condition really well, with no major issues, while still learning more about it.
So pleased that your job is going well @Busdriver60 , and that you are looking forward to the run up to the festivities. Also good to hear that you are finding it easier to manage your diabetes.
Hi Paul ( think that is right) how good to hear from you and glad that you seem to be enjoying life and am sure a large part of that stems from getting to grips with the diabetes plus the new job.Anyway you seem much more content which is good.
I am currently home alone ( well have one dog with me) whilst wife and daughter have gone to Menorca today. They will be in the bar now enjoying a cocktail or two but no more as my wife does not normally drink.
Anyway so pleased they will have a good week and I can just binge on the box sets.
Life at the garden is great and glad I work there, no driving involved!
Lovely to hear! Glad it’s going well 🙂
I've been managing my condition really well, with no major issues, while still learning more about it.
Great stuff! So good to hear you sounding so positive 🙂 :star: <3
Brill!!! So, it really is an ill wind that blows nobody any good, ain't it!
Yes, I was thinking the same. One door gets slammed in your face for no good reason but then another door opens and turns out to be better than the one that shut.

@Busdriver60 Absolutely delighted for you that your new job at the garden centre is working out so well for you and your employer and that you are enjoying it so much. It must have seemed really scary to lose your driving job especially after so many years doing the same thing, but this really seems like it has ended up being a positive life change, albeit the diabetes is a bit of a pain in the backside, but the better you learn to manage it, the less of a chore it is and it sounds like you are getting the hang of it pretty well, so well done you on all counts!

I am just back from Tenerife late last night, after a 4 day visit to my brother and his wife who live there, as it was their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Thankfully it was overcast the whole time so it wasn't too hot (I can't stand the heat 🙄 ) and I didn't even need sun cream. Not exactly a holiday, as we spent most of the time helping them set up for a party at their home, with food and decorations, but absolutely lovely spending time with them and helping them prepare. The party itself on Saturday was a very cosmopolitan affair with their guests being a mixture of expats from the UK, locals and some South Americans and Germans and Austrians. He has some really wonderful friends including one local Canarian family who have adopted him into their family and treat him as their extra grandfather and think the world of him. So good to know they have such wonderful friends when he is so far from "home" and the rest of us! I am pleased to be home though even if it is back to the usual wet weather!!
Yes, I was thinking the same. One door gets slammed in your face for no good reason but then another door opens and turns out to be better than the one that shut.

@Busdriver60 Absolutely delighted for you that your new job at the garden centre is working out so well for you and your employer and that you are enjoying it so much. It must have seemed really scary to lose your driving job especially after so many years doing the same thing, but this really seems like it has ended up being a positive life change, albeit the diabetes is a bit of a pain in the backside, but the better you learn to manage it, the less of a chore it is and it sounds like you are getting the hang of it pretty well, so well done you on all counts!

I am just back from Tenerife late last night, after a 4 day visit to my brother and his wife who live there, as it was their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Thankfully it was overcast the whole time so it wasn't too hot (I can't stand the heat 🙄 ) and I didn't even need sun cream. Not exactly a holiday, as we spent most of the time helping them set up for a party at their home, with food and decorations, but absolutely lovely spending time with them and helping them prepare. The party itself on Saturday was a very cosmopolitan affair with their guests being a mixture of expats from the UK, locals and some South Americans and Germans and Austrians. He has some really wonderful friends including one local Canarian family who have adopted him into their family and treat him as their extra grandfather and think the world of him. So good to know they have such wonderful friends when he is so far from "home" and the rest of us! I am pleased to be home though even if it is back to the usual wet weather!!
Oh lovely, sounds like you had a lot of fun out there, the worst thing is when yo return back to reality. But hey ho that's the way the cookie crumbles. Lovely to hear from you Rebrascora!