Welcome to the forum
Sympathies on the loss of your Mum. Grief can make self-care quite difficult at times, so be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to adjust and adapt. One of the benefits you may find of improving your BG levels, is that it can improve your mood. High BGs are associated with low mood and feelings of lethargy, exhaustion, and fuzzy-headedness, so improving your levels can help you feel better emotionally as well as physically and gove you a clearer mind and more energy.
Alongside the helpful advice you’ve already been offered, You may also like to use your BG meter to help you fine-tune your meals. Those ready-made lists are all very well, but you may not respond the same as the ‘example person‘ that the list is built on - so the list might suggest limiting something you love and that your body copes well with… while also suggesting you eat something ‘safe’ that your body hasn’t read the textbook about and responds with a sharp BG rise.
You can use your meter to check your individual response to meals or snacks by taking a reading immediately before eating something, and again 2hrs later. The difference between the two numbers shows how your body coped with the carbs involved. Ideally you’d want the ‘meal rise’ to be no more than 2-3mmol/L.
It can help to double-check a meal or food to make sure the same results happen both times before you decide something is ‘safe’ or better reserved for special occasions. There are other things that affect BG other than food, so a one-off result might mislead you.
Where you see bigger rises than 2-3, you can look at the carb content of the food(s) and consider a reduced portion, or perhaps swapping to a different source.
After a period of experimentation you may find your general BG levels are reducing, and you’ll want to aim for 4-7 before meals, and ideally no higher than 8.5 by 2hrs after.
Just be careful to make changes gradually and carefully, as you are on meds which could drop your levels dangerously low if you suddenly reduce your carb intake dramatically