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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi I have had diabetes for 10 years after having pancreatitis 25 years ago. In the last 6 months my type has only just been recognised as type 3c and not type 2.

Has any one else had the same problem with doctors not recognising 3c and not listening when you say the reason why .
Thanks, it's good to know there are other people that have this apparently unrecognised type of diabetes. Be interested to hear if they have had any issues with the medical profession.
Thanks, it's good to know there are other people that have this apparently unrecognised type of diabetes. Be interested to hear if they have had any issues with the medical profession.
I don't know if you have found this page on the Diabetes UK website.
Hi @mush I had most of my pancreas removed and they still insisted I was Type 2. It’s been an uphill battle but I won it, “only” took nine years and a forward thinking DSN. Now treat the same as a Type1. It’s only recently become more well know amongst HCPs but there’s still plenty of them, including GPS who don’t have a clue. You’ve got to remember the majority of people with diabetes have Type 2, a much smaller percentage have Type 1, and then there’s us!
Hi @mush, Welcome to the Forum.

I'm T3c following my total panreatectomy in Feb 20. I was discharged from the Churchill Hospital as T1 - which clearly I'm not - no autoimmune issues for me. It was this forum that guided me to being T3c - I adopted that diagnosis and got it accepted onto my medical records.

My experience over the last 3 yrs has been that very few medical professionals know what T3c is (regardless of whether it's been caused by total panc'y or from damage to one's pancreas - for a variety of reasons). Not all T3cs are insulin dependent, but I sense that T3cs on just oral meds for their D are a minority of we minority! My 1st DSN didn't seem to understand that having no panc'y was a bit more than just being diabetic and my GP was equally lacking in using her otherwise good medical knowledge to think that through.

Looking ahead you should now come under a Specialist Hospital Diabetes Team and generally be treated as if T1. Do you already have Libre 2. The recent NICE Guidance Note NG 17 updated in April 2022 makes it clear that all T1s should have CGM, if they want it and it can (should) be prescribed by a GP - without prior referral from a Consultant. That is the principle - but in parts of England (perhaps the rest of the UK) the implementation of that NICE update is bogged down in bueaucracy.

Anyway, if you have any questions do ask. The forum members are both knowledgeable and friendly.
Hi @mush and welcome.
I'm Type 3c following pancreatitis but have been lucky enough to have been treated as Type 3c by the hospital.diabetes team from the time I was in hospital (not much pancreas left). My local.hospital is a pancreatic specialist centre, which was lucky for me.
I'm recorded as Type 1 (3c) on shared GP records after I asked it to be changed from the Type 2 that was originally recorded after someone assumed that was the case. I wanted it to be accurate in case I was being treated in an emergency.
Have just had blood tests from the surgery and noticed that the form said Type 2 DM, though!

Hope that the new diagnosis will help with your treatment and access to technology (assuming you're taking insulin). Are you also taking Creon?
Welcome to the forum @mush

Glad you have you in our select and exclusive band of creonistas 🙂
Hi @mush and welcome.
I'm Type 3c following pancreatitis but have been lucky enough to have been treated as Type 3c by the hospital.diabetes team from the time I was in hospital (not much pancreas left). My local.hospital is a pancreatic specialist centre, which was lucky for me.
I'm recorded as Type 1 (3c) on shared GP records after I asked it to be changed from the Type 2 that was originally recorded after someone assumed that was the case. I wanted it to be accurate in case I was being treated in an emergency.
Have just had blood tests from the surgery and noticed that the form said Type 2 DM, though!

Hope that the new diagnosis will help with your treatment and access to technology (assuming you're taking insulin). Are you also taking Creon?

I have just heard from the hospital diabetic nurse who is now referring me to see the consultant to talk about Creon. I am indeed on Insulin
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