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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
I have been having high blood sugars for quite some time, upon wakening they are never under 14mmol and by lunchtime there way up to like 20mmol. My HB1AC is 97! My diabetic nurse is going to be putting me on medication called Gliclazide is anyone else on these and did they help!
Good morning @Smiler85 and welcome to the forum. I took gliclazide for a while until my blood glucose got back to normal levels. It did have an effect - there is a thread on here showing what happened when I stopped it - but I am convinced that loosing a bit of weight and changing to a low carb way of eating were more important in getting things under control. Might be the same with you but it might not. If you read round the forum you will find that there are some general principles when looking at ways to get your blood glucose levels down but how they are used can depend very much on the individual.
Looking at your diet would be the first thing to do and make sure you are not overloading your body with more carbohydrates than it can tolerate.
If you are going to be taking that medication, then your nurse should prescribe a blood glucose monitor and strips if they don't already do so.
There is concern that VERY low carb is not recommended if taking the gliclazide but reducing carbs would still be needed. You should ask your nurse what is suggested.
Low carb is normally suggested as less than 130g per day as a level which works for some people.
This link may help you with some meal ideas. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
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