Thank you Josh. Good to be here. I haven't followed a particular diet, just tried to eat food that is more healthy with an eye on carbs. Fresh fruit has been added however portion size has also been a factor I have had to look at. The exercises I do and exercise plan I have mainly created myself. The routine is daily and on the intense side as I read an article that said intense lowers the blood sugar levels several times faster than walking for example and has worked wonders for me. No machines, equipment or weights. Instead using the body. I do 5 x 1 minute exercises for each muscle with 15 seconds inbetween. Type of exercise would be rowing, overhead press etc. A lot of reps at a fairly good pace. I can't do walking at present as I have a serious health condition affecting my feet that makes it virtually impossible. Which is a shame as I like to get out for a walk and was doing 4 miles a day at one point. Have a good day.