Hello there anybody having problem s keeping there blood sugar down ? As i am having high readings lately . Whst i doing wrong ?

High readings . What's a good level before bed time? Anyone eating the wrong foods ?
I'm not sure what you mean by 'before bedtime' as those of us who test pre- and post- our evening meal would not normally test again until the following morning. What testing regime are you following?
Hi @roccok3 and welcome to the forum.
Sorry you are struggling with high BG.

Can you tell us a little about how you are managing your diabetes - are you taking any medication? Are you following a specific diet? What do you consider to be "High readings" (this varies from person to person)?
This will help us understand the areas we can provide advice ... although we are not medically trained so can only offer advice on what has helped the forum members.
High readings . What's a good level before bed time? Anyone eating the wrong foods ?

Welcome @roccok3 🙂 Hard to comment without more information. How high is “high”? What medication are you on for the diabetes if any? What was your last HbA1C and how are your readings during the rest of the day, eg are they ok and only go up after your evening meal?
Welcome to the forum @roccok3

Are you coming down with an illness? That can push up your glucose levels, and make them harder to manage.