Hello! T2 Newbie and a keen baker looking for recipes

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Amanda C

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I was diagnosed a week ago, still all very new and confusing regarding diet so any encouragement, especially to get through Christmas, would be very welcome. I am a baker so this is devastating to me as you can imagine. I would welcome baking ideas and tips. Thanks! Amanda 😛😛
Hi Amanda and welcome to the forum. Have a look in the food section on the forum, there is a subsection there for recipes.
Not much help on the baking front as I am not really a cook or baker though can do both. I am not keen on the after taste from sugar substitutes.
Thank you I am keen to try and do things without additives so sorbitol etc are a no no. Definitely a wake up call though!
Thank you I am keen to try and do things without additives so sorbitol etc are a no no. Definitely a wake up call though!
I have successfully made fruit scones by reducing the sugar and putting slightly more fruit in but not done recently.
I bake using Natvia. Don't think I could not use a sweetener. I've tried using just fruit as a sweetener but cake didn't taste very nice.
Also where you can, use ground almonds instead of wheat flour - unless of course there are nut allergies present. I'm not saying it's less calories, but it is less carbohydrate.

If you haven't used sweeteners for baking before - you only need a quarter to a third of the amount of sugar. Plus with the almonds - you need baking powder if it's anything you want to rise for starters, and will need a wetter mix - more like thick batter than cake mix you have to dollop into the baking tin with a spoon - it needs to move when you tip the mixing bowl up!

(except if it's pastry etc LOL)
Thank you I am keen to try and do things without additives so sorbitol etc are a no no. Definitely a wake up call though!
Erythritol is great for sweetening and bulking out your baking in place of sugar, but it does need a lower temperature. It's completely 'natural' in so far as that's a completely meaningless term when it comes to food. It's made out of atoms that occur in nature, at any rate, absolutely 0% Unobtainium.

In the past I've done a lot of baking and loved it, but since cutting out carbs earlier this year, I've only done a bit and mostly for other people, so that the baked stuff leaves the house as soon as possible, otherwise the temptation is too great. I did quite successfully make some protein bakes with coconut flour, nuts and erythritol and oat bran, they were sort of like biscuits, but looked a lot like those fat balls you leave out for the birds when the weather's bad.
Is Stevia allowed or is that just as bad as sugar?
Stevia is OK, it's my sweetener of choice, we have liquid & granules
I made up a cake today with cocoa powder, banana, wholemeal flour, almonds and raisins, included baking powder and three eggs, came out quite bitter but definitely a cake! Would do for the rest of the family with ice cream.
Stevia should be fine, Ditto. Has no effect on my BG.
The bitter taste would be the unsweetened cocoa powder - cos it is, isn't it, unsweetened. You would have been better off maybe, melting it first with some sweetener?
Erythritol is great for sweetening and bulking out your baking in place of sugar, but it does need a lower temperature. It's completely 'natural' in so far as that's a completely meaningless term when it comes to food.
The "100% natural" claim is utterly meaningless; deadly nightshade, arsenic and uranium-235 are all 100% natural (and gluten free besides). 🙄

I made up a cake today with cocoa powder, banana, wholemeal flour, almonds and raisins, included baking powder and three eggs, came out quite bitter but definitely a cake! Would do for the rest of the family with ice cream.
The bitterness will have been due to the caffeine in the cocoa powder, especially if you didn't use sugar; you might like to try instead using carob flour, which tastes almost like chocolate but is caffeine-free and naturally sweet (which unfortunately means that you won't be able to reduce the carbs very much using it; but you will need less sugar, since you don't need so much to mask the caffeine). It doesn't quite taste like chocolate, but with the addition of a small amount of vanilla and almond essences (the latter gives a hint of the bitter undertone), most people will be hard-pressed to tell the difference. I used to make "Chocolate Surprise" cupcakes, the surprise being that they didn't contain any chocolate! 😉

(Edited to add) Carob flour can be found in all good health-food stores, and probably most crap ones as well.
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The idea was to make it without any sweeteners, I wanted a rich dark dessert cake, so I will just add more raisins and nuts next time for balance and use rapeseed oil instead of butter for moisture. By the way I also used fresh vanilla pod to avoid any added sugar in vanilla essence. Really enjoying the challenge, thanks for your tips guys!
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