Hello! Newbie dropping in

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, thought I would introduce myself, as I've been lurking for a little while now.
I was diagnosed in July, my bg was 19.2 :eek: and my HbA1c came back as 10.7. Metformin and better diet has brought the bg down to 5.7, so progress is being made.
Glad I've found you - it's lovely to be able to chat with people who really know how frustrating/hard it can be sometimes.
Speak soon.........
Hi guys,

Just to say hello really, I'm new to this site but sadly no new to diabetes. I've had it since I was five and I'm now eighteen and a keen sportsman. Rugby, running and rowing for me. Diabetes doesn't stop me doing what I want when I want.

Tom H
Hi guys,

Just to say hello really, I'm new to this site but sadly no new to diabetes. I've had it since I was five and I'm now eighteen and a keen sportsman. Rugby, running and rowing for me. Diabetes doesn't stop me doing what I want when I want.

Tom H

Hi, thought I would introduce myself, as I've been lurking for a little while now.
I was diagnosed in July, my bg was 19.2 :eek: and my HbA1c came back as 10.7. Metformin and better diet has brought the bg down to 5.7, so progress is being made.

Welcome folks. Wow Karen, that is great. Congratulations.

Steve Redgrave was a shining example Tom. Wish you all the best with your sporting endeavours.
Hi John,

Thanks for the encouragment, diabetes isn't going to stop me doing what I want. I will not and do not let it do that. As for Steve Redgrave, I can do my best and I hope that some day I could be that fit.

Tom H
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