Hello - new diagnosis

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Just been diagnosed a few weeks ago with T2, 114 HbA1c, with a fasting level of 18.

A few weeks in and I've lost 2.5kg (now 132kg) and am regularly down to between 9 and 10. Am on Metformin 1500mg at the moment. Have cut out most carbs, mainly eating veg and salad now.

I think just looking for some acknowledgement that I'm making a good start, like others I feel silly that I didn't help myself with this with indulging etc. I'm 37 and with a young child so also feeling selfish for letting me get to this stage.

Also - how are people's experience of weightwatchers? Was hoping to join but is so expensive!
how are people's experience of weightwatchers
Weightwatchers is a repeat business.. you lose a little go back to what you ate before put it all back on with a little more for good measure then rejoin Weightwatchers and pay them some more money.

Crash diets are rarely effective for weight loss in the long term.

Sounds like you have made a good start reducing carbs.

Hope you are having some decent protein sources along with the veg and salad though.
I found weight loss came fairly effortlessly when cutting out most carbs and replacing with meat fish and green above ground veg. I also put T2 into remission within 3 months so it certainly can be done.
Weightwatchers is a repeat business.. you lose a little go back to what you ate before put it all back on with a little more for good measure then rejoin Weightwatchers and pay them some more money.

Crash diets are rarely effective for weight loss in the long term.

Sounds like you have made a good start reducing carbs.

Hope you are having some decent protein sources along with the veg and salad though.
I found weight loss came fairly effortlessly when cutting out most carbs and replacing with meat fish and green above ground veg. I also put T2 into remission within 3 months so it certainly can be done.
wow that is good going - well done!

Know what you mean with the WW, will think on it some more.

I'm vegetarian, so protein from plant sources and nuts etc
Welcome @Sperato 🙂 It sounds like you’ve made a good start. Many people here have praised Weightwatchers and similar clubs. If it’s something that appeals to you, you could look into it. People here follow a variety of diets and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t continue with your vegetarian diet.
Hi all,

Just been diagnosed a few weeks ago with T2, 114 HbA1c, with a fasting level of 18.

A few weeks in and I've lost 2.5kg (now 132kg) and am regularly down to between 9 and 10. Am on Metformin 1500mg at the moment. Have cut out most carbs, mainly eating veg and salad now.

I think just looking for some acknowledgement that I'm making a good start, like others I feel silly that I didn't help myself with this with indulging etc. I'm 37 and with a young child so also feeling selfish for letting me get to this stage.

Also - how are people's experience of weightwatchers? Was hoping to join but is so expensive!

Many have very successfully lost weight on Weightwatchers, some have reversed their diabetes.
The main thing is that you choose a way to eat that suits you.
You've made a great start.
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Hi all,

Just been diagnosed a few weeks ago with T2, 114 HbA1c, with a fasting level of 18.

A few weeks in and I've lost 2.5kg (now 132kg) and am regularly down to between 9 and 10. Am on Metformin 1500mg at the moment. Have cut out most carbs, mainly eating veg and salad now.

I think just looking for some acknowledgement that I'm making a good start, like others I feel silly that I didn't help myself with this with indulging etc. I'm 37 and with a young child so also feeling selfish for letting me get to this stage.

Also - how are people's experience of weightwatchers? Was hoping to join but is so expensive!
Hiya, I'm in a similar boat, sounds like you're throwing everything at it, thats a good weight loss. I also have a young child, looking forward to having some energy back, tired of not being able to join in as much as I'd like. I've done weight watchers a few times and it just didn't stick for me, everyone is different though!
Hi all,

Just been diagnosed a few weeks ago with T2, 114 HbA1c, with a fasting level of 18.

A few weeks in and I've lost 2.5kg (now 132kg) and am regularly down to between 9 and 10. Am on Metformin 1500mg at the moment. Have cut out most carbs, mainly eating veg and salad now.

I think just looking for some acknowledgement that I'm making a good start, like others I feel silly that I didn't help myself with this with indulging etc. I'm 37 and with a young child so also feeling selfish for letting me get to this stage.

Also - how are people's experience of weightwatchers? Was hoping to join but is so expensive!

Well done on weight loss.

No experience of WW, however wife did Slimming World & lost 5 stone in total, this was after she was told she was borderline type 2 after having put on weight after period of ill health.

Losing weight reversed her diagnosis, so guess she didn't just lose weight on outside but inside as well, meaning visceral fat. So SW certainly works & there was fair few others on diet who had similar experiences.
Hi there @Sperato and welcome. 🙂 It sounds like you’ve hit the ground running. Good for you!
Welcome to the forum @Sperato

Well done on the weight loss! Sounds like you’ve made a great start. Don’t stress about trying to get your levels down too speedily. It’s much easier on the fine blood vessels in your eyes, and your nerve endings for things to come down gently over a longer period 🙂

Keep doing what you are doing 🙂
I didn't use WW, I just found some recipe books on Amazon written by a T2 chef and used them to keep carbs and calories low for 3 months and the weight dropped off. I'm not a vegetarian, but today I made a Japanese Mushroom soup with Konjac noodles in it (Vegan recipe).

Don't stress over it. You are where you are and have made a good start!
Thanks all, it is nice to not feel alone
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