Hello Miggins here :)

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New Member
Hi. I don't have diabetes but my dad does. He is in his early 70s and has had it for about 15 yrs. he is struggling to control his blood sugar levels aftEr exercise (like 30 min walk) and its getting him down.

He won't go to GP cos says they won't know what to suggest so someone suggested this forum.

I thought I'd try it out and then persuade him to join. He is very computer savvy so shouldn't be too hard. The actual asking questions like this will be the hard part as he doesn't like to ask for help.
Hi miggins

Is your da d T1 or T2? What medication is he on if any?

.... and what happens to his BG? does he go high or low, or a mixture? In what time frame?

(I'm quite good at sussing out some things but my ESP still needs work! LOL )
Welcome Miggins....

Its good your Dad can still get out and about in his 70s so well done to him......

Most people find that activity will drop the blood sugar, either at the time, later on, or both.......whats happening with your dad?

Is he Type 1 or 2?
Welcome to the forum Miggins 🙂
Hi Miggins. Welcome 🙂

I'm sure your dad will be worn down until he confesses all.:D

Well he has to inject daily so I'm not sure whether he is T1 or T2. He had it in his 50s but has never been overweight. He tried tablets but they just didnt work.

He is very low (2) after walking or gardening.

I have told him about this site and also the runsweet.

He says he will take a look....I have given him my user name so he may lurk and read so please carry on with good advice 🙂
Welcome to the forum Miggins and dad. I'm sure you will find all the information you want here.
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