Hello - it's been awhile

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, Good Afternoon,

Hope you are all putting up the good fight. I am OK. Just going through an anxious and depressive episode. My last HbA1c this year was 50. On average it's between 46 -50 . However, I am prone to having a sweet tooth. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I was a big favourite as Costa ( decaf tea, skinny milk etc) and the sweets. Well, I overdid it, and gave myself a sugar overload....As you know sugar is fuel to anxiety. And I have been up and down ever since. I don't really want to have my antidepressants increased. I realised why I am feeling like a yoyo - 1. Came out of my online support group, due to differences. 2. My therapy stopped in March. My ladyfriend moved out in May....I only just realised that my support network has gone. There was I calling myself a Tiger. I do have a strange tendency when family/friends remark on my food I deliberately choose cakes, sweets to spite them! I realise that I want to get back to having a respectful fear of diabetes. I am on metformin. I have lost weight ..enough rambling. Onwards and Upwards
Hi, Good Afternoon,

Hope you are all putting up the good fight. I am OK. Just going through an anxious and depressive episode. My last HbA1c this year was 50. On average it's between 46 -50 . However, I am prone to having a sweet tooth. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I was a big favourite as Costa ( decaf tea, skinny milk etc) and the sweets. Well, I overdid it, and gave myself a sugar overload....As you know sugar is fuel to anxiety. And I have been up and down ever since. I don't really want to have my antidepressants increased. I realised why I am feeling like a yoyo - 1. Came out of my online support group, due to differences. 2. My therapy stopped in March. My ladyfriend moved out in May....I only just realised that my support network has gone. There was I calling myself a Tiger. I do have a strange tendency when family/friends remark on my food I deliberately choose cakes, sweets to spite them! I realise that I want to get back to having a respectful fear of diabetes. I am on metformin. I have lost weight ..enough rambling. Onwards and Upwards
I used to be on 4 x 500 metformin, Then down to 3. I now cannot have a metformin in the afternoon, as I find it makes my sugar a wee bit lower and I feel hungrier, so I now just have the 2 tablets in the evening instead.
Hey Rustee, It's been a long time but good to see you again, I'm sorry you have had so many problems hit you in a short space of time, but knowing how you have faced problems before I know you will pull through, you built yourself up before you can do it again slowly one step at a time my friend. How is the jobs front looking are you still in security or moved on. Take care Rustee take things steady. Best Wishes.

Yes, still in Security, quite a good bit of work too. Thanks for the support. Needed big time
I am on Bendroflumethiazide also. Been prescribed it just recently for my blood pressure.
Hiya @rustee2011 - great to ‘see’ you again. As @ukjohn says, you’re strong enough to ride out any storm. :D
Good to see you back Rustee.
Wow..thanks Guys, didn't realise I was known that much! Brilliant! I spoke to my doctor, who advised a slight increase on my meds. Going to create a large message and stick on my bedroom wall above my clock:
AVOID SUGAR BINGES IT CAN FUELS ANXIETY AND DEPRESSIVE EPISODES! perfect reminder when I go to Costa or any other shop. Onwards and Upwards
Hi and welcome back from me too. Are you still managing to do lots of exercise as that will help with your mental health too. I used to be a sugar junkie, now I eat cheese and nuts and pork scratchings and olives.... not all at the same time 🙄 Finding low carb snacks that you enjoy makes it easier to resist the high sugar stuff. Hope you are feeling back on top of things again soon.
Yes, go to the gym fairly regularly OR long walk in my local park - North Acton Playing fields. So yes I do, it is a good mood booster
Lovely to see you posting again @rustee2011

But really sorry to hear what a tough time you’ve been having recently.

Great that you have identified that trigger to your depression and anxiety though - hopefully that should make it easier to avoid temptation in the future.

Hope things continue to brighten for you, and the tweaked meds are helpful. Let us know how things go 🙂
Thanks - Good Morning - Had a good night's sleep over 7 and a bit hours. Yes, I have identified that's a trigger food-wise.
Enjoy your day all.
Hi @rustee2011 good to see you posting again. Support is in abundance here and when life is tough you need friends who can empathise. You must accept that you are doing great, you know your weaknesses and can work on them. Good for you for getting back in touch and I wish you well xx
Thanks SueEK - means a lot
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