I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (right on the borderline of diabetes) in January, plus high blood pressure. I don't think lockdown did me any favours at all, as my weight went up quite a bit during that time, and I also drank more, so I have only myself to blame! I have made a lot of changes to my lifestyles since then - haven't touched alcohol, changed my diet quite considerably and got back to exercising more like I did before lockdown. Summer always helps with me as I spend a lot of time gardening too. I have really struggled with my blood pressure medication, although it is low dosage, as it has made me feel really unwell for several months (eg. I haven't been able to do my flamenco dancing due to dizziness) but am hopefully coming out of that phase now. I have lost over a stone and need to get 2 stone more off to get down to my ideal weight for my height (quite short). So a long way to go yet, but I am pleased that I have managed to maintain my weight loss despite a couple of cruises this year. Looking forward to hearing about others' experiences and learn more from them.