Hello - I'm a newbie

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (right on the borderline of diabetes) in January, plus high blood pressure. I don't think lockdown did me any favours at all, as my weight went up quite a bit during that time, and I also drank more, so I have only myself to blame! I have made a lot of changes to my lifestyles since then - haven't touched alcohol, changed my diet quite considerably and got back to exercising more like I did before lockdown. Summer always helps with me as I spend a lot of time gardening too. I have really struggled with my blood pressure medication, although it is low dosage, as it has made me feel really unwell for several months (eg. I haven't been able to do my flamenco dancing due to dizziness) but am hopefully coming out of that phase now. I have lost over a stone and need to get 2 stone more off to get down to my ideal weight for my height (quite short). So a long way to go yet, but I am pleased that I have managed to maintain my weight loss despite a couple of cruises this year. Looking forward to hearing about others' experiences and learn more from them.
I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic (right on the borderline of diabetes) in January, plus high blood pressure. I don't think lockdown did me any favours at all, as my weight went up quite a bit during that time, and I also drank more, so I have only myself to blame! I have made a lot of changes to my lifestyles since then - haven't touched alcohol, changed my diet quite considerably and got back to exercising more like I did before lockdown. Summer always helps with me as I spend a lot of time gardening too. I have really struggled with my blood pressure medication, although it is low dosage, as it has made me feel really unwell for several months (eg. I haven't been able to do my flamenco dancing due to dizziness) but am hopefully coming out of that phase now. I have lost over a stone and need to get 2 stone more off to get down to my ideal weight for my height (quite short). So a long way to go yet, but I am pleased that I have managed to maintain my weight loss despite a couple of cruises this year. Looking forward to hearing about others' experiences and learn more from them.
When you have side effects from blood pressure medication you should ALWAYS go back to your GP as there are lots of different ones available and some don't suit some people but they are fine with others.
Losing weight will have a positive effect on your blood pressure and you may not need as high a dose anyway.
Good that you are being mindful of your diet and getting more exercise. There are some alcoholic drinks that are usually OK for people dry wine, spirits with diet mixers rather than beer or cider or liqueurs.
This link may give you some ideas for modifying your diet if you are going down a lower carb route. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Welcome to the forum @Annelese

Congratulations on the positive changes you have been making, and your weight loss.

Sorry to hear about the dizziness you've been getting - do you have a home Blood Pressure monitor? Or do you have a follow-up appointment planned?

If getting hold of your GP is tricky, you might want to pop into a local chemists and chat things through with the qualified pharmacist? They may be able to put your mind at rest, or give you some suggestions?
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