Hello I'm a newbie at Diabetes UK

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi im Stephen and im on Novorapid and toujeo but im waiting to hear about going onto Fiasp. If anybody has any tips that would be appreciated although I have had Diabetes for years.
I have been using Fiasp for a couple of years.
It has been better for me than NovoSluggish but it doesn't feel as fast acting as when I first used it.
The other thing I have noticed is that it does not last as long out of the fridge. It is not terrible - I don't need to store an open pen in the fridge but I need to be extra careful to keep it out of the sun and, when I travelled, I needed to keep it extra insulated.
Welcome to the forum @stephen775

We have a few members who get on well with Fiasp - @Pumper_Sue is another.

We also have a few (I’m one) who found it didn’t suit them. I found it stopped working quickly after a few weeks, and a few weeks later began to act less reliably, almost like I was slightly resistant to it.

Hope you can get to try it without having to jump through too many hoops, and that it works out well for you. Is it the speed of onset that you are after with it?
Hi and welcome from me too.

I am on my second trial of Fiasp in between using Novo(not so)Rapid. My problem time is breakfast and I needed to pre-bolus oven an hour with NR whereas it is 45mins with Fiasp. It is about 15-20 mins later in the day but occasionally I have been caught out as it has kicked in sooner. My other hope for it was that it would be quicker when I needed corrections but sometimes I feel like it does nothing and other times it works almost too effectively, particularly if I incorporate a bit of exercise.
I promised myself I would give it a full years trial this time as I just used it for 3 months and then went back to NR. I got to the same stage this time where after about 3 months I was sick of it not working when I wanted it to and working too well at other times and if it wasn't for Covid and the DSNs being rushed off their feet I might have been on to them to try to change it back, but I have stuck with it and maybe I am starting to get to grips with it now. I do feel that I have to be more "confident" with doses and corrections than with NR and having Libre certainly helps me to keep track of things better so I have another 6 months of my trial to go with it before I make a final decision if I am going to stick with it, go back to NR or maybe ask to try Humalog. I am now starting to get along a bit better with it than 3 months ago and I suspect it may be a little quicker to work during the warmer summer months but we shall see.

I will be interested to read how you get on with it.
How do you find the Toujeo?
@rebrascora you have reminded me about my Fiasp experience.
It seems to work faster with lower starting blood sugar levels. I feel there is a longer delay in it starting to work when I am correcting a high but when it starts it then works quickly. I have had to train myself not to be too impatient for corrections as I have a tendency to over bolus.
Yes, I can very much relate to that experience. If my levels are low to start with it takes much less time but if I am up at 9 or 10 and needing a correction it seems to take ages or even doesn't seem to touch it at all and I find I have to be "braver" with my correction units and sometimes stack to get it back down.
I had it with my pump and continued it after I ditched the pump but I too find it sluggish to get moving quite often and sometimes trying to correct a DP event it does nothing other than stops the rise but doesn’t bring my BG down.
I don’t like the pen either, doesn’t feel as precise as the NR one, went back to NR a couple of weeks ago.
Get your sig changed, Paul !

I'm still welded to NR.

Have to say it looks from my Libre graphs like I ought to start pre bolusing for meals - but who knows when the Libre doesn't usually reflect what my BG is?
Oops I’m on it Jenny thanks
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