Hello, I just wanted to know....

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello, I just wanted to know what units people are on and what people think a young girl with type 1 sud be (I?m 17) on cos were just not getting it right at the mim and were in-between diabetes nurse?s so I was just wondering what everyone was doing ?
Hi Rosie
As long as you get the right results for you, then you're getting the right number of units - don't worry about what others are doing, just concentrate on getting your doses right for your life, your diet, your activities etc.
Having said all that, it's much easier to get it right with MDI (multi dose / daily insulin / injections), also called basal bolus, with 1 or 2 long acting basal injections per day, plus short acting bolus with meals - is that what you're doing. It's also easier if you've been taught to carb count, to adjust insulin to food intake, rather than having to adjust food to insulin - worth asking your diabetes team what courses are available in your area, as the opportunities do vary from place to place.
Hello, I just wanted to know what units people are on and what people think a young girl with type 1 sud be (I’m 17) on cos were just not getting it right at the mim and were in-between diabetes nurse’s so I was just wondering what everyone was doing ?

Hi Rosie, it's virtually impossible to compare different people's insulin requirements, I'm afraid. There are some very general rules, like number of units per kilo of body weight and also having your total daily dose split 50:50 between bolus and basal (fast and slow insulin), but these are really only useful for setting initial doses,which then will need adjusting to suit the person more closely. Some people need a lot and some people hardly need any.

Are you getting a lot of hypos or a lot of highs, or both? The Ragnar Hanas book gives some guidance on how to adjust insulin (Chapter 15), so if you can get hold of a copy it might be useful:

Type 1 Diabetes in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults
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thanks😛 iam on 4 injectino a day but just geting really high blood at the mim and was just wondering what other people were up too lol:D
Hi Rosie, it's virtually impossible to compare different people's insulin requirements, I'm afraid. There are some very general rules, like number of units per kilo of body weight and also having your total daily dose split 50:50 between bolus and basal (fast and slow insulin), but these are really only useful for setting initial doses,which then will need adjusting to suit the person more closely. Some people need a lot and some people hardly need any.

Are you getting a lot of hypos or a lot of highs, or both? The Ragnar Hanas book gives some guidance on how to adjust insulin (Chapter 15), so if you can get hold of a copy it might be useful:

Type 1 Diabetes in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults

thanks that been very usefull i will be getting that book.
but i was have a lot of lows but then a nutty nurse changed it all and now it's high all the time and it's makeing me very VERY hungery! and i don't know why and it getting to be a really bad circle:(
thanks that been very usefull i will be getting that book.
but i was have a lot of lows but then a nutty nurse changed it all and now it's high all the time and it's makeing me very VERY hungery! and i don't know why and it getting to be a really bad circle:(

If your levels are high when you wake up and before your meals, then it's probably your lantus that needs increasing. Getting your slow-acting insulin right first is the best approach, because you spend most of your time relying on that -whilst you sleep and for the hours between meals when your fast acting insulin has stopped working (4 to 5 hours after the injection).

Chapter 18 of the book explains insulin requirements and how they change with age and time since diagnosis. 🙂
If your levels are high when you wake up and before your meals, then it's probably your lantus that needs increasing. Getting your slow-acting insulin right first is the best approach, because you spend most of your time relying on that -whilst you sleep and for the hours between meals when your fast acting insulin has stopped working (4 to 5 hours after the injection).

Chapter 18 of the book explains insulin requirements and how they change with age and time since diagnosis. 🙂

I?v put that up and it hasn?t don anything I used be on 8 that it?s was ok but it just run out but now were on two injection a day and I?m on 18 and it so much worse do you think that?s weird?
I?v put that up and it hasn?t don anything I used be on 8 that it?s was ok but it just run out but now were on two injection a day and I?m on 18 and it so much worse do you think that?s weird?

Diabetes is weird! I was on 20 lantus about 18 months ago, now I'm on 4! 😱 Try not to worry about the numbers and what you were on before - with diabetes it's a case of finding out what you need now in order to keep up with it. For some people that might mean increasing it, for others, decreasing it. I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up one day and find that I need a lot more than 4 units! Is it possible to get an appointment with your doctor if you can't see the nurse? When will you get to see your new nurse?
Did the nutty nurse change your insulin, or just your doses? If just the doses, could you go back to what you were doing before, that was working even with the lows? And work from there to reduce your intake to a level where you're more stable?

FWIW on MDI I used to have between 36-40 units of Lantus per day. So there's still considerable room to up the dose if you need to.
Diabetes is weird! I was on 20 lantus about 18 months ago, now I'm on 4! 😱 Try not to worry about the numbers and what you were on before - with diabetes it's a case of finding out what you need now in order to keep up with it. For some people that might mean increasing it, for others, decreasing it. I wouldn't be surprised if I wake up one day and find that I need a lot more than 4 units! Is it possible to get an appointment with your doctor if you can't see the nurse? When will you get to see your new nurse?

Oh that make?s me feel a litter better🙂 I got n appointment with a new doctor on the 15ht it was the 1st but what you can do hmmm.
Do you think I?ll only need to do big units till I get my numbers down then do you think ?ill need less of the fast acting?

Did the nutty nurse change your insulin, or just your doses? If just the doses, could you go back to what you were doing before, that was working even with the lows? And work from there to reduce your intake to a level where you're more stable?

FWIW on MDI I used to have between 36-40 units of Lantus per day. So there's still considerable room to up the dose if you need to.

She change both over over aging she had no idea what she was doing and she just left a BIG mess.
I wont to go back to what I was doing before and I?v tried but it?s just to high now and my mum wont let me she just think we sud just go in the hospital :(
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